Friday 19 July 2024

"I had God on my side!" Trump cheered for an amazing speech on his escape from an assassins bullets surrounded by his family at RNC

When George Washington was shot four times in his coat and hat and survived, we did not see it happening in real time and we were not able to follow the events from every angle as we are now thanks to the internet and a wealth of computer generated graphics.

But we did see Trump s miraculous escape from 7 or 8 bullets from a shooter, who, it turns out, appeared in an ad for WEF elite Blackrock in 2023!

More impressive is the character of Trump, who sounds and looks like a great leader who really cares about people, who really has their interests at heart, as Tucker said.

Polls show Trump is now leading in all 7 battleground states and heading for an historic landslide victory.

He realistically acknowledged the Almight power of God because who else could have orchestrated all the factors to allow him to escape by such a miniscule margin?

The notion thhe shooting was organized to make Trump look heroic is absurd, fantastical. 

Not even the world s best sniper firing at ten feet could be sure to hit a person s ear lobe when they are in the middle of a speech on a stage and moving their head back and forth. The chances of killing Trump would have been so great that they outweighed any potential benefit from having him look heroic if he did survive and get a bullet hole through his head by a 0.000001% chance.

But Trump and his family deserve God s help because they are playing by all the rules, going on the campaign trail, getting the votes, presenting policies the voters want 

Meanwhile, Biden and his WEF backers have shown a willingness to commit every crime, abolish democracy, the Constitution and rule of law from lawfare to an assassination attept to keep tyrannical control of the USA, their power base, their money making and military machine and also to avoid prison for their lawless covid jab crimes.

And as Trump said, the brave people in the crowd also deserved God s help for not bolting for the exit but watching out for him. 

Trump called for unity and said he wanted to be president for all Americans.

The key to unlocking American prosperity is the private Federal Reserve.

Taking it out of the hands of the banksters and WEF elite will also mean the end of their trillions to fund their corprate crime spree and corrupt governments.

The great American political project which emerged from the fight against the tyrannical British empire with its perfect Constitution, its separation of powers, its checks and balances, its emphasis on the rule of law, debate, discussion, dignity and righs of all human beings and on freedom, deserves a great central bank.

The People of America deserve to have their central bank back again in their hands and working to enrich them all, whether on the left and the right,  and not just enrich a corrupt elite, who not only take all their money in taxes, inflation and fraud but then also even try an impose tyranny on them using their own money.

Federal taxes can be abolished and the IRS reduced to a fraction of its size if the Fed is used for direct monetary financing of government again as it was before it was privatized in 1913 and as it is now used in China and Russia.


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