Wednesday 17 July 2024

Computer generated 3D model shows just how Trump miraculously escaped 3 bullets by a micro motion Facts allow for the inference that it was the Biden oligarchy ordered the assassination

A computer generated 3D visualisation made by social media account Point Consciousness shows a model of Trump s head in relation to the trajectory of the bullets shot by Matthew Crooks.

The 3 D model shows a series of 3 bullets were aimed straight at Trump s head and would have killed him if he had not at the last micro second tilted the angle of his head by a mico amount in the right direction.

As a result of the micro change of angle, one of the three bullets went through his right ear instead of through his head while the other two whizzed past shaving his head.

The graphic suggests that Matthew Crooks had Trump s head clearly in his sights. His bullets were on target.

Crooks could not foresee that Trump would tilt his head after he fired the bullets at the last micro second and so escape death.

Though Crooks was reported to be a poor shot by members of his high school shooting team, Crooks left high school a couple of years ago and he could easily have had an intensive shooting courses and gained sufficiency proficiency in a just a couple of weeks to make a kill shot at the range of just 400 feet.

The stand downs of the Secret Services appear to have been coordinated with precision with Crooks. How else could Crooks have known that a critical roof was going to be unguarded and that even when a police officer  spotted him 26 minutes before his shot nothing would happen to him and Trump would not be rushed from the stage? 

The SS is subordinate to the DHS run by Alejandro Mayorkas and Biden. The chain of command is clear and it leads straight to Biden and his family oligarchy. We have the motive and the means. We have apparant coordination between a criminal network superimposed on a government agency and Matthew Crooks. That means a  communications trail. 

Who knows? Maybe Crooks was offered 100s of millions in bitcoin, expert sniper training,  a mock up of the Pennsylvania venue to practise on to ensure he knew where to place his ladder, where to crawl, where to set up the gun?

Parallel, another plot has been revealed to kill Trump and blame it on the Iranians. Why would the Iranians kill Trump who wants to end the war againt their allies Russia and China in the Ukraine and have peace in the Middle East? It does not make any sense. The prime suspect is again the Biden family and the WEF elite who bankroll him including Melinda Gates and the Soros family.

The motive is also their fear of criminal prosecution for their covid jab crimes.

My thinking is that both Crooks and the Biden criminal network were 100% sure Trump would be killed and sure too that they could implement immediate emergency and martial measures, suspend the electios censor social media and cover up their tracks. 

They may have offered Crooks a special deal, a script in which he was the hero assassin of a "fascist authoritarian", and also a lenient sentence, which may well have gone unnoticed in any chaos and reign of "Mad Biden" terror following their assassination. 

But when the Biden criminal network realized Trump had survived the assassination attempt, and that an investigation was inevitable, knowing that Crooks was the kind of hire who may tell all, they had Crooks killed as it seems to me.

registered Republican, Crooks likely was motivated not by any ideology but by money and the lure, who knows?, of fame or notoriety. He may have quickly broken down under interrogation when he realized the magnitude of the penalty he was facing.

We do know he was killed by a single clean shot to his head after Trump ducked down. This shows the sniper team behind Trump had Crooks head in their sight all along, raising questions of why they did not shoot him or get Trump off the stage.

The very criminal network superimposed on US intelligence agencies behind the assasination attempt is in charge of the investigation into their own assassination attempt of Trump, including the FBI. 

But the Biden oligarchy cannot destroy the broad facts which allow only one inference.

Biden and his backers, specifically Hunter and Jill Biden, used their influence over the DHS,SS and local police in Pennsylvania to try to have Trump assassinated, and just before the RNC, to leave the political opposition leaderless.

This is the only reasonable inference we can make from the systematic stand down of security in the context of the threats of the Biden oligarchy against Trump.

If it was not malice, it was incompetence.

State AGs should file charges of near assassination through malice or incompetence.

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