Wednesday 24 July 2024

Out! Cheatle resigns as fingers point at Biden, Harris and Larry Fink

After admitting to destroying the radio comms from J13 (for that is the inference we can make as to the missing radio comms, which are a routine part of ops) as well as using encrypted apps during a disastrous House hearing, Kimberly Cheatle has resigned. 

 Radio comms can clearly be heard on the new footage of security on the roof with the dead shooter. 

In addition, two snipers would abandon the key perch to allow the sniper to take up his position.

The notion both snipers would leave the perch to go in search of a shooter, and so allow him on the perch, is absurd and fantastical. They would make extra effort to guard it and call for reinforcements.

In return for cooperation, Cheatle can be offered some kind of deal.

The trail clearly goes back to Biden, Harris and the WH itself as well as to the WEF elite, specifically Larry Fink and Blackrock

On the one hand, there is a shooter with apparant inside knowledge of the entire security layout at the rally and all its anomalies, implying some kind of contact with the innermost circle of power in DC and Cheatle s Secret Service.

The chain of command in that inner DC power circle seems to be top down from the WEF elite like Gates, Soros, Fink at the top to Biden, Harris administration in the middle to the people at the bottom.

And on the other hand, that same shooter was in a Blackrock ad just one year earlier.

That s make Blackrock and WEF board member and CEO Larry Fink a prime suspect in passing on the insider tips to the shooter on how to get around security as Fink and his company form a link to the shooter.

Fink, Blackrock and WEF also have the motive to try to make a power grab  over the USA 

The assassination attempt was a de facto coup against democracy to stop Americans voting Biden, Harris out of office in order for the WEF elite obtain total dictatorial control of the US government and continue their various crimes and looting spree.

If Larry Fink were in China, he would have been in pretrial detention last week and Blackrock raided and its assets placed under state control.

The attempted assassination of Trump is not a political thing.

It is a crime and should be treated as such.

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