Monday 22 July 2024

Billions of American, European aide for Zelensky are going to the Rothschilds and private banks who have lent "money printed out of thin air" to Zelensky, Ukraine instead of using direct monetary financing like China, Russia

Rothschild has been the official financial adviser to Ukraine's finance ministry since April 2017.  

As advisor, it has negotiated that the Ukaine  fund its government expenditure and war not by direct monetary financing like China, and now Russia which would cost the government nothing.

Instead, disregarding the interests of the Ukrainian taxpayers and the taxpayers in America and Europe, the Rothschilds have advised the Ukraine government to  borrow money which they can have for free from their own central banks, from the private banks and pay  interest to them out of taxes as with the private Federal Reserve in the USA.

Now, the Ukrainian government and a special committee of private bankers and owners of Eurobond debt totaling around $20 billion have agreed to restructure the securities, including writing off 37% of the debt, almost certainly because they may have realized the gravy train is over with a Trump victory in the US elections in November all but certain.

The cost of financing the war and government using private banks instead of their own central banks is so huge that the restructuring has saved about 20 billion euros by 2033 just by this restructing of its Eurobond debt, the ORF reports.

Who benefits from this arrangement? Not the American and European taxpayers? Not the Ukrainian taxpayers? The private bankers do. They get something in return for nothing, for no capital because the money they lend is printed out of thin air thanks to the fractional reserve banking fraud propped up by private central banks as discussed also by Vienna Economics Professor Franz Hoermann.

The Rothschilds do not advise the Russian government or Russian central bank which prints its own money for free to fund expenditure and the war where necessary as China s central bank does and the US Federal Reserve before 1913 when American really was a booming and competitive economy. 

Ironically, and to the great satisfaction of the Russians, Moscow s superior form of state central bank financing and better economic management of its military industrial base means the Russians are able to produce vast amounts of weapons and ammo at low cost, and  they are now winning the war against the Ukraine and NATO and their private banker backers hands down.

From media

 Die getroffenen Vereinbarungen sehen eine Verringerung der ukrainischen Schulden vor, indem der Wert der Euro-Anleihen in der Anfangsphase nominal um 37 Prozent gesenkt wird“, teilte Finanzminister Serhij Martschenko mit. Die Schuldsumme sinke mit der Ausgabe neuer Anleihen und Fälligkeiten zwischen 2029 und 2036 um umgerechnet knapp acht Milliarden Euro.

Ursprünglich wäre die Rückzahlung der Anleihen zwischen 2024 und 2029 fällig gewesen. Einschließlich Zinsen verzichteten die Gläubigerinnen und Gläubiger damit auf etwa 60 Prozent der ursprünglich vereinbarten Zahlungen.

20 Mrd. Einsparung bis 2033

Die Ukraine spare somit bis 2033 umgerechnet etwas mehr als 20 Milliarden Euro ein, hieß es. „Dadurch werden wichtige Finanzmittel frei, die für Verteidigungs- und Sozialausgaben verwendet werden können“, betonte Martschenko.

Ende Juni hatte das britische Wirtschaftsmagazin „The Economist“ vor einem Zahlungsausfall der Ukraine im August gewarnt, sollte keine Einigung mit privaten Gläubigerinnen und Gläubigern über eine Umschuldung erzielt werden.

Rothschild’s role as sole financial adviser to the government in Kyiv put it at the centre of financial negotiations after Russia’s invasion, as urgent talks were required with other countries, multilateral organisations and investors.

“If there is one difference between sovereign advisory and other types of financial advisory, you realise it with this and you live through it in this type of circumstance,” said Stephane Charbit, a sovereign advisory banker at Rothschild who was one of the key architects of the deal. “It was a stimulus to be frank … it was an extraordinary moment of possible impact.”


Rothschild has been the official financial adviser to Ukraine's finance ministry since April 2017. “At that point, we made the decision to advise the public sector in Ukraine, and not in Russia,” Charbit said. “Being mindful of possible conflicts, we made that decision at the time and we stuck to it since then.”

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