Wednesday 10 July 2024

Is Biden s mental state the biggest risk for nuclear war?

We have all see that moment now when Joe Biden suddenly looks up as if he is about to say something but is distracted by rigid contemplation of a point far in the distance, when his eyes are wide and staring, his mouth open, his arms hang by his sides or are frozen in mid air in a gesture, no?

The globe saw at during the TV debate again, no?

Whatever Joe is looking at, it is not the reality all the rest of us are participating in.

What if when lost in this world of his own, Joe suddenly sees a nuclear missile heading his way. This fiction,mirage, figment of his mind, inexorably moves him to call for the nuclear codes.

If its after eight o clock at night, it turns out, Joe won t get the nuclear codes. 

From media

When asked by Fox News reporter Peter Doocy if Biden would be able to personally respond to a nuclear attack against the U.S. after 8pm, referring to the White House announcing Biden would stop scheduling events after that time.

Jean-Pierre responded that “He has a team that lets him know, any, any news that is pertinent and important to the American people.”

“It is National Security Council that gets to tell him,” she said.

But what about if Joe enters a trance before 8 pm, at say 7 55 pm? 

Does he get the nuclear briefcase? Can he press the button? 

WH Press Secretary Karinne Jean Pierre did not allay all fears when she made it clear that there is a big bureacratic process before the NSC takes action. 

What happens if there really is a nuclear missile headng over?

At the NATO summit today in DC, Biden did manage to stare at the teleprompter long enough to escale threats against Russia and China.

A top Russian diplomatic has said Russia can engage in talks on nuclear deescalation until there is a more sane approach from the Biden admin.

"Until [the US] clearly show some change for the better in their policy, at the very least, demonstrate that this boundless and unabashed Russophobia has been set aside and is replaced with a slightly more sane approach," he said, adding, "until this happens, there simply can be no dialogue on strategic stability."

But when will that sane approach be if Biden not only does not leave the WH but even stays there for another four years due also to potential election theft?

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