Thursday 18 July 2024

Joe Biden has posted a cryptic tweet saying "I m sick" after his covid diagnosis Wil he, Hunter and Jill be charged for trying to kill Trump?

Biden is plainly non compos mentis and so need not fear a now inevitable criminal prosecution for his many crimes in office as much as his various family members, especially Hunter and Jill, Dem supporters like Obama, and Billionaire donors, who run the administration using Biden as a cut out. 

When even Austria s state TV, the ORF, is reporting Trump s shooting was a de facto stand down and the assassin was spotted one hour beforehand and none of the police or secret service personnel did anything, its over for the Biden and his backers.

The entire purpose, goal, objective of all the 100s of police, secret service agents, checkpoints, snipers who attended the Butler rally was to identify and apprehend people like Crooks, or at least get Trump off the stage while they looked.

According to some reports, Crooks was so confident he would be left undisturbed, he left his ladder standing on the back of the building for any police officer to climb up.

Indeed, despite being outside the official security perimeter, the key building was guarded by police, who were placed inside it (possibly to coordinate the assassination attempt)

The claim by the SS chief the roof was too dangerous for security is absurd. If a snipers perch roof overlooking a key stage was too dangerous for trained professionals, then the stage was too dangerous for Trump to stand on and the rally was to dangerous for Trump to speak at.

Americans cannot allow this to go unpunished. It cannot be the norm for political candidates to starting shooting each other with the help of corrupted officials.

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