Friday 26 July 2024

Is the UK and EU s conscription drive doomed? Belgian TV says Ukraine conscripts who do not want to fight are useless

Belgian state TV has featured a documentary highlighting the low morale of Ukrainian conscripts and a military official testifying that a lack of motivation makes conscripts useless. 

The focus on low morale comes as Ukraine soldiers are reported to have engaged in a fire fight with each other, killing 3 near Khakiv.

UK and EU conscripts who do not want to fight may even end up turning their guns on WEF governments now widely known by the broad public to have engaged in a criminal covid virus and jab scheme and cover up, harming millions.

The notion tens of millions of Europeans can be conscripted and sent to some Eastern front to fight Russia or China and the sheer numbers will bring some kind of military victory is fantastical.  

2024 is not 1914 or 1944.

Conscription will result in a faster collapse of the EU economies, widespread revolt and likely enable Russia and  China to buy up the West more quickly.

From media

"Not everyone is cut out for combat,” one of the instructors, named Farik, told AFP. “Why make people fight who don’t want to?” he added, while playing with his bayonet.

Conscripts who don’t want to fight are “useless,” Nakonechna said. According to her, the government in Kiev has begun to understand that “motivation is the key” and may change mobilization rules accordingly.

Last month, Russian President Vladimir Putin estimated that Ukraine was losing 50,000 troops each month – of which about half were irrecoverable – while being able to draft no more than 30,000 replacements.

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