Wednesday 17 July 2024

Epic escape of Trump echoes an episode in Homers Illiad, written 3000 years ago

When Zeus from Mt Olympos watches the fight between Achilles and Hector continue hour after hour without either of them getting the upper hand,  Zeus asks Fate, an Oracle about the future outcome. 

He places in a pair of scales two deadly weights, one for Achilles and one for Hector. Then Zeus raises up the scales. The scale for Hector dips downwards, spelling his doom as we can read in The Illiad Bk 22, written about 3000 years ago.

Some divine hand tipped the balance for Trump and American democracy against Joe Biden and the WEF tyranny when Trump escaped an almost certain kill shot on J 13 by a miracle, a shot fired by a modern day Dolon wearing a "cap of weasel skin".

In this time of change, conflict and chaos, some things seem to remain the same. Divine justice remains the same.

Divine justice will ensure the end of the lawless covid jab tyrannts. Whatever they do, backfires on them.

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