Monday 15 July 2024

Was Trump s assassination meant to be the trigger for a Night of the Long Knives or Red Terror? Do Americans need to brush up on their due process rights?

Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio has said that Democrats  set the stage for an attempted assassination of Trump by framing the 2024 election as a battle between the forces of democracy and the soldiers of fascism.

“Today is not just some isolated incident,” Mr. Vance wrote on the social media site X. “The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs. That rhetoric led directly to President Trump’s attempted assassination.”

 Trump is regularly compared to Hitler.

The same rhetoric can be used to justify mass arrests of those who are classified as being "soldiers of facism" who must be stopped at all costs. 

And a politicized Secret Service could be ready to make those mass arrests of Trump supporters as the did after orchestrating J6.

There are historical precedents for sudden, mass arrests under Hitler and Lenin.

The Red Terror in the Soviet Union was triggered by the assassination of one of the Revolutionaries, who took control of the Russian central bank and de facto privatized it. 

The assassination attempt served as an excuse to intimidate, arrest, imprison and execute opponents to the Colour Revolution of 1917 staged by Lenin with the help of the Swiss bankers, who organized a sealed train for him to travel from Switzerland to Russia.

Unlike the Russians in 1917, Americans have the Constitution, rule of law and due process protection from any arbitrary arrest or detention. They should brush up on them.

It is the rule of law and the Constitution and Democracy, which set the USA apart from Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

The assassination attempt against Trump was an attack on democracy, on the right to Americans to vote Biden out at the ballot box.

From media

The Night of the Long Knives (German: audio speaker iconNacht der langen Messer (help·info)) or "Operation Hummingbird" (Kolibri) was a purge that took place in Nazi Germany. It happened between 30 June and 2 July 1934 when the Nazi regime executed at least 90 people and an estimated 200 for political reasons. Most of those killed were members of the "Storm Troopers" (SA) (German: Sturmabteilung).

Adolf Hitler moved against the SA and its leader, Ernst Röhm, because he saw the independence of the SA and the penchant of its members for street violence as a direct threat to his power. Hitler also wanted to forestall any move by leaders of the Reichswehr, the German military, who both feared and despised the SA, to curtail his rule, especially since Röhm made no secret of his ambition to absorb the Reichswehr with himself at its head. Adolf Hitler also killed them because the were becoming difficult to control and he was worried that they would branch off and want independence to carry out more radical ideas.

Finally, Hitler used the purge to go against conservative critics of his regime, especially those loyal to Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen, and to settle scores with old enemies, such as Kurt von Schleicher. Ernst Röhm was arrested on June 30 by the SS (lead by Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler and deputy SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard Heydrich) and was killed by General Josef Sepp Dietrich,Theodor Eicke and Michael Lippert .

The Red Terror was a Bolshevik-led campaign of intimidation, arrests, violence and executions. It unfolded in the second half of 1918 as the new regime struggled to eliminate opposition and threats to its own power, in the face of a looming civil war. This wave of state-sanctioned political violence was overseen by the fanatical CHEKA leader, Felix Dzerzhinsky, and carried out mainly by his agents. They targeted any individual or group deemed to be a threat to Bolshevik rule or policies, including tsarists, liberals, non-Bolshevik socialists, members of the clergy and kulaks (affluent peasants). Under the auspices of the Terror the size of the CHEKA, the much-feared Bolshevik secret police, increased exponentially. The true impact of the Red Terror is difficult to quantify. According to official Bolshevik figures, the CHEKA carried out almost 8,500 summary executions in the first year of the Terror, while ten times that number were arrested, interrogated, detained, tried or sent to prisons and labour camps. The true numbers of extra-legal killings carried out during the Terror were undoubtedly much higher, possibly approaching six figures.

 Arising after assassination attempts on Vladimir Lenin along with the successful assassinations of Petrograd Cheka leader Moisei Uritsky and party editor V. Volodarsky[7] in alleged retaliation for Bolshevik mass repressions, the Red Terror was modeled on the Reign of Terror of the French Revolution,[8] and sought to eliminate political dissent, opposition, and any other threat to Bolshevik power.[9]

More broadly, the term can be applied to Bolshevik political repression throughout the Civil War (1917–1922).[10][11][12].


Bolshevik newspapers were especially integral to instigating an escalation in state violence: on August 31, the state-controlled media launched the repressive campaign through incitement of violence. One article appearing in Pravda exclaimed: "the time has come for us to crush the bourgeoisie or be crushed by it.... The anthem of the working class will be a song of hatred and revenge!"[14] The next day, the newspaper Krasnaia Gazeta stated that "only rivers of blood can atone for the blood of Lenin and Uritsky."[14]

The first official announcement of a Red Terror was published in Izvestia on September 3, titled "Appeal to the Working Class": it had been drafted by Dzerzhinsky and his assistant Jēkabs Peterss and called for the workers to "crush the hydra of counter-revolution with massive terror!"; it would also make clear that "anyone who dares to spread the slightest rumor against the Soviet regime will be arrested immediately and sent to a concentration camp".[29] Izvestia also reported that, in the 4 days since the attempt on Lenin, over 500 hostages had been executed in Petrograd alone.[14]

Subsequently, on September 5, the Council of People's Commissars issued a decree "On Red Terror", prescribing "mass shooting" to be "inflicted without hesitation;" the decree ordered the Cheka "to secure the Soviet Republic from the class enemies by isolating them in concentration camps", as well as stating that counter-revolutionaries "must be executed by shooting [and] that the names of the executed and the reasons of the execution must be made public."[14][30][31]

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