Monday 15 July 2024

New video suggests a Secret Service agent was expecting Crooks shots Did Crooks coordinate with Biden s security to fire a kill shot at Trump from a rooftop known to be a danger

A video shows an Secret Service agent apparantly warned in advance of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump by Matthew Crooks, fuelling fears of an inside job at the rally in Butler, Pa.

 NBC reports the Secret Service knew "the roof was a well known, high priority vulnerability. It was identified just the day before during a security walk through."

There were two sniper teams on site (and on an opposite roof with the shooter in their sights for two minutes). They did not need approval to shoot. "Prior protocols were not followed."

The video of a SS agent acting in a way consistent with the notion he is expecting shots just before they are fired and from the vicinity of the roof comes as Eric Prince and a range of other former security agents say the security lapses were suspicious and may even be part of an intentional stand down.

"The video shows secret service agents clearing the rows behind Trump's stage. Moments after rows were cleared, the shooter opened fire and secret service agents were seen bending down. Many called the video proof of the Secret Service's 'involvement.' The Trump assassination attempt was an insider job claimed by social media users," says the video description.

What does the incriminating new video show?

A security service agent in a dark suit, tie and glasses can be seen moving bent over behind the stage with Trump standing on it with his back to him and the spectactors in the bleachers behind him.

The stage is high enough to ensure everyone can get a view of Trump even from the ground level so there is no obvious need to bend over. The other people around the agent are all standing upright.

Unlike the others, the SS agent walks along with the top of his body and his knees slightly bent almost as if expecting danger, such as shots to be fired into his vicinity any moment and wanting to reduce the risk of being hit himself.

He can be seen approaching a tall man with a baseball cap standing upright like the others behind the stage, and positioned almost directly behind Trump, and so identifiable by the Secret Service agent as a high risk target, who would likely would be hit when bullets were fired at Trump from the location of Crooks, provided the SS agent had insider information about a shooter on  roof.

For there is no other reason for the agent to bend over when moving behind Trump and also move other people away from the dangerous spot. They are not blocking anyone s view, causing an impediment, causing trouble of any kind.

His actions can best, and only, be explained if he we assume the SS agent is anxious to reduce the risk to this man and a shorter female companion of being hit (one man in the audience was killed), 

So he goes up to him and makes urgent hand signals to usher the man and others close by who are also in the line of fire and to move them to the side and out of the line of fire. 

As the tall man with the cap hesitates unsure of why he should move from his spot as there is no obvious reason, the agent raises himself up a little to more like his full body height to add authority to his instructions to move along

When the man with the cap and other people close by obediently walk away in an upright posture, the secret service agent immediately crouches down low again as if seeking  phyical protection against incoming fire from the stage while glancing at Trump  nervously.

Moments later Crooks bullets slammed in.

The shots can be heard and the audience behind Trump in the vicinity of the shots ducks and panics.

One bullet, of course, grazed Trump s head and nearly killed him. If he had not moved his head slightly, the bullet would have been angled to go straight into his brain and killed him.

As the bullets rain in, the SS agent drops down to the ground behind the stage and remains there kneeling motionless. He puts his left hand up as if to an ear piece.

The video loses focus as the panic breaks out in the crowd and everyone scrambles for cover.

Another video showing the same scene but shot from the front with Trump s face visible as he speaks at the front of the stage and the audience behind shows secret service agents piling onto Trump as the crowd behind panics and ducks to avoid incoming shots.

The SS agent with the tie does not seem to be among those agents.

The purposeful  movements of the SS agent with the tie suggests that he had information about the exact time the shots could be expected and where they would be coming from. His actions are consistent with the notion he wanted to reduce his own personal risk of being shot by stooping low as he passed behind the stage and behind where Trump was standing, talking, and also minimize the risk of the rally goers behind  Trump from being accidentally shot by stray bullets aimed at his head.

His movements are not consistent with the behaviour of a secuirty agent who is vigilantly scouring the surroudings for a potential threat without any specific information of where one might come from. His actions are not consistent either with him being surprised by the shots and immediately springing into action when he hears them to protect Trump as another SS agent without a tie, who is standing upright close by, does.

If the security agent did have inside information, as he appears to have had, who warned him? Was it the sniper team on the roof who had  Crooks in their view, as we now know they did, and did not shoot?  Or was it one of the police warned by the public of a shooter on the roof?

Who else was warned? Why was Trump himself not insantly warned to bend down, taken off the stage?

The video comes as questions swirl about how come Matthew Crooks ever entertained the idea he could succeed in taking  a shot from a nearby rooftop.

NBC now reports the SS identified the particular rooftop as a threat. Yet, they left it unguarded. More bizarely they placed two sniper teams side by side on the rooftop opposite to watch over the unguarded roof and keep the shooter in their sights...but without shooting until Crooks had fired off five or so shots, one of which could have expected to have killed Trump.

The way Crooks acted does not add up.

If Crooks had been a lone gunman, he would have assumed that doing the thing he actually would be impossible. He would decided he had a better chance of killing Trump if he mingled with the crowd, pushed his way to the front and pulled out a gun  as in the assassination attempt against Ronald Reagan or Robert Fico and fired.

Why did he not use that approach?

Why chose to go onto a roof overlooked by snipers?

How did Matthew Crooks know that there was no security lying on the particular roof when it had a clear view of Trump and was just 400 feet away and would ordinarily have been guarded after being identified as a danger? After all, for all Crooks could see from the ground level, a police sniper could have been lying on top of the roof.

How did Crooks know he was going to be able to gain access to the roof without any hindrance?

If he was a lone wolf, surely, he would have looked at all the rally goers milling around and all the police and snipers, some in full body armour with automatic rifles, and said to himself, he was never going to get away with such a brazen manoevure in plain daylight with an AR semi automatic rifle. Why even attempt it?

How did he know he would be able to crawl all over the roof with the crowd below pointing at him and shouting to the police and that he could prepare his shot for about two minutes from an uncovered position in full sight of sniper teams , and they would not shoot him?

If he feared being shot, he would have hurried up and just fired as soon as he got a clear view of Trump, and not waited for about 1 or 2 minutes? 

After all, for all he knew, Trump could have been ushered off the stage any moment.

How did he know the police would ignore the warnings of the other people at the rally, and not tell Trump to leave the stage immediately?

How come he did not seek to move to a part of the roof where there was some protection from the snipers to gain some more time?

His actions do not add up if we assume he was a lone gun man.

What if he was not a lone gun man but had co conspirators inside the security team and higher up? 

Reagan and Fico survived close up shootings.

What if his conspirators wanted to make sure Trump was killed. They wanted to make sure everything was in place for his assassination attempt to succeed.

Crooks was not an expert sniper. He was a poor shot according  to schoolmates.

To compensate he had to have a good rifle, an AR 15, optics.

 He had to be allowed to get close, 400 feet, have a clear view from an elevated place of Trump standing on the stage, have a few minutes relatively undisturbed to prepare his shot, get Trump s head in his gun sights.

In short, a kill shot like that required exactly the kind of set up that Crooks found laid out at his feet. And he seemed to know the most unlikely, improbable approach would all be magically simple for him.

Incredibly, his shots missed and Trump survived.

Meanwhile, an SS agent with a dark suit, tie and glasses apparantly expecting the shot at just that time from the very rooftop that Crooks was on, bent over to reduce the risk of being hit himself as he moved around behind Trump and tried to usher others away. As soon as the shots rang out, he calmly dropped down to his knees to enjoy the protection of the stage and did not spring into action to protect Trump on the stage.

Captured in real time in video from different sources and angles, the assassination attempt looks more and more like a coordinated and carefully orchestrated assassination attempt.

It is not clear if Matthew Crooks had personal or financial or family links to any one involved in protecting Trump or the Biden administration.


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