Monday 22 July 2024


Is Joe Biden the Anti Christ who leaves office three and a half years after assuming power according to the Book of Revelation, specifically Bk 11 2?

On Sunday, 20th July 2024, Biden posted a letter resigning as candidate for the elections, which started with a reference to the period of time he has been in the most powerful office in the world (until now) 

That period is three and a half years or 42 months, which is also the period that the Anti Christ is allowed to have power over the church according to the Book of Revelation.

"Over the past three and a half years, we have made great progress as a Nation," he wrote.

Just two weeks ago, before the assassination attempt against Trump, I speculated whether Joe Biden might be the Anti Christ working with the False Prophet, identified as Pope Francis by Cardinal Vigano, and noted that if he was forced out of office after 3 years and 6 months that might be a sign that he is, indeed, the notorious figure in the Book of Revelation.

From the moment he assumed office in January 2021,  Biden pushed the dangerous and experimental covid jabs around the world, which had just been authorized in the USA. 

Never before in history were jabs, injections, marks linked to the right to buy and sell all around the world, fitting with the prediction in the Bk of Revelation 13 17.

Americans were coerced, bullied and lured to take the jab to work, shop and travel and als fly.

Biden worked hand in hand with Pope Francis in seeking to impose the jab on as many people as possible with Pope Francis focussing on compelling as many clergy to take the jab as he could.

On July 13th 2024, Biden s mask came off when his security services stood down to allow an attempt on the life of his political opponent in order to make a power grab over the USA and abolish democracy and the rule of law and accelerate the push for WW3.

Trump was saved by a what is widely recognized as a miracle of God.

That failed assassination attempt, which the broad public could see led back to Biden s WH, intensified pressure on him to drop out  of the election race and leave office.

St Paisios predicted the Anti Christ would leave office looking ridiculous.

He said the Anti Christ forces would puff themselves up to a new height posing a new threat and then suddenly, that power would burst.

That fits with what we have seen and with the predictions in the Book of Revelation written 2000 years ago by the Apostle John on the island of Patmos, Greece.






Just 500 years after Martin Luther was excommunicated by the Pope for criticizing the harsh church taxes, the sale of indulgences and for calling the Pope the Anti Christ, Cardinal Carlo Vigano has been excommunicated by Pope Francis and for a similar reason, namely, calling him the "False Prophet", the well known helper of the forces of Satanic evil and the Anti Christ in The Book of Revelation,who pushes the mark of the beast on the world. 

Who was right? Luther or Vigano? 

If we look at the Book of Revelation and compare the predictions with the events today,especially in relation to covid lockdowns and jabs, there is some reason to think Cardinal Vigano may be right and that Pope Francis may be the False Prophet, who compels the people of the world to take the mark of the beast in order to be able to buy and sell.

Pope Francis played a key role in persuading,luring and bullying Catholics around the world into taking the covid jab or face sanctions and the suspension of their basic rights to work, travel,go to the shops and buy things etc

The Pope even closed the churches in Italy and elsewhere during the covid lockdown.

Jabs and, or a covid negative test and, or mask were required to enter many churches.

He closed at least one convent in Italy whose nuns refused the experimental jabs.

So, the Pope used his office as the head of the Catholic church and representative of Christ to promote the covid jabs wherever he could in the name of "love", Christian love, sacrifice and "care" for others health.

He  worked as a seamless unit with the US government led byIrish Catholic Joe Biden, who may be the Anti Christ figure set to fall from power after 3 and half years in office. If Biden is the Anti Christ figure, his fall from office would be around now.

He was inaugurated about 3 and a half years ago on January 21st, 2021 and his first major act was toroll out the experimental covid jabs.

On June 28th, 2024, about 3 and a half years later, Biden had a disasterous TV debate which has sealed his fate and ended his presidency in the eyes of the voters and also the Constitution, which does not allow a non compos menti person to occupy the Presidency.

First, lets just look at what the Book of Revelation says about the Beast, False Prophet in 13. 18

It says the number of the beast is 666, written in the original ancient Greek text using letters.


The letters are Chi Xi and Sigma.


Chi and Sigma are also the first and last letters of the name of Christ in Greek.



 In the Greek alphabet, the squiggly Xi is also used as a symbol of snakes, and used by the Ophites, also called Ophians (Greek Ὀφιανοί Ophianoi, from ὄφις ophis "snake"), a Christian Gnostic sect who worshipped the snake (also called the dragon of the Book of Revelation).


In between the initial and final letter of the name Christos, inserted in the middle, separating the other letters, crossing them out, as it were, is the letter Xi

The Xi snake like letter is also similar to the symbol of the World Health Organization of a snake wrapped around a rod.

 The WHO is the key organization run by Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren  Buffett (until 2021) which pushed the dangerous  covid jabs on the globe using the IHR to coordinate the various governments,including Biden s.

To sum up, we have, on the one hand, in the Book of Revelation a warning of an evil person who will act like Christ and occupy the place of Christ, whose essential evil is characterized as a letter written as a snake like squiggle.

On the other hand, we have Pope Francis,who does claim to be representative of Christ as the head of the Catholic church, whose central act has been to do everything in his power in his office to bully and persuade people to take a covid jab, pushed by an organization whose main symbol is the same snake like squiggle.

In Revelation 13 11, we hear the False Prophet has two horns like a lamb, similar to the Lamb of Christ, but talks like a snake, a dragon. Behind his sheep like exterior is the wolf of Satan.

The False Prophet tries to destroy the Christian church from within also by heresies and false doctrine as Pope Francis has been accused of doing with his support of the WEF Woke agenda.

The two horns may refer to the other Pope Benedict who was removed by Pope Francis but who continued to live until December 31st, 2022.

Or it may refer to the head of the Greek Orthodox Church, Ieronymos, who was worked hand in glove with Pope Francis to promote the covid jab criminal scheme in Greece since 2015 as probes show.

In Revelation 13 12 to 17, we here how this False Prophet gets the global public to worship and obey the Beast, which could be called the Gates, WHO controlled governments pushing the covid lockdowns and jabs.

In 13 16, we find an incredibly accurate description of the covid lockdown and jabs.

It ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived (Satan wounded by Christ when He rose from the dead and overcame death for human beings). 15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16 It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.

18 This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man.[e] That number is 666.

The Greek word translated as "hands" also means hands or arms.

The covid jabs were given in the arms. People who could chose their arm, often chose their right arm.

 In Chapter 16, 2, we read that ugly and festering sore appeared on people who have taken the mark of the beast AND worship the beast.

The Book of Revelation links the negative effects of the jab to people who inwardly worship the beast and do not repent.

Clearly, it would be contrary to every Christian teaching and the spirit of Christ to condemn everyone automatically who gets the jab and ignore their inner disposition and circumstances.

Take for example,a very old person who was in care home or a convent who was compelled to take the jab by force (in a wheel chair etc) who was very holy as for example Jayne Wily Smith appears to have been forced to take the jab. For sure, Christ will not hold it against that person as they had no real choice.

Or take the case of a single mother who has to put food on the table of her young child and who cannot afford to get the tests done every two or three days or to resign from her job to avoid the jab. Obviously, such a person is forced.

That aside,there were,for example, quite a few doctors,who rushed to get the jab of their free will believing all the false claims and encouraged every one else to get them, also for their personal profit. Few have ever apologized to the people they personally jabbed and made sick let alone offered some of the c 250,000 euros an average GP earned from the jab as compensation for any injuries.

A judge in Halle in Germany was caught forging documents to be able to get the covid jabs more quickly and in January 2021. That is the selfish, me first,criminal instinct characterizing Satan.

Back to Ch 16, 2, the Book of Revelation says ugly and festering sources appear on the bodies of those who have taken the covid jab as the first bowl of wrath.

Surely,there have never been so many thousands if not 100s of thousands or even millions of cases of sores, ulcers and blistering skin diseases associated with any jab ever given before.

That is unique to the covid jabs and unique to the mark of the beast.

Furthermore, we have never had a situation in the globe before covid where the planet was basically put into lockdown and everyone, rich and poor, young and old, were forced,bullied,lured to take the same jab,which,it so turns out, is also the first ever to result in massive numbers of sores and ulcers on the skin in a significant porpotion of the people.

For the sake of brevity, the fifth bowl of wrath sees the Kingdom of the Beast plunged into sudden darkness.

There is a parallel with the Ukraine run by the instruments of Gates and Soros and Biden, namely, the Zelensky circle.

Due to attacks on its energy infrastructure, entire cities and regions have lost electricity and be plunged into darkness.

Bear in mind when the Book of Revelation was written 2000 years ago, there was no central light supply, no electricity grid, just individual oil based lamps or fires.

There was no way an entire kingdom could be plunged into darkness. That prediction could only have come true after the central electricity grid was invented. And it has, it seems.

Just shortly after the sores appeared on the bodies of some of the covid jab victims from early 2021, the war with Russia started, sanctions on gas were imposed and parts of Europe, the core of the Beast s kingdom (EU), experienced blackouts while in the Ukraine at times, virtually the entire country has literally been plunged into a blackout at times in 2024 as described in the fifth bowl of wrath.

To sum up, there are reasons to think that Pope Francis may indeed be the False Prophet in the Book of Revelation and Cardinal Vigano may be right to call him so.

The fact Cardinal Vigano was excommunicated for legitimate criticism of the Pope decisions certainly suggess a despotic streak in Francis.

And Joe Biden may be the Anti Christ poised to fall from power 3 and half years after taking office and emerging as the world s most powerful lawless covid tyrant and supporter of Zelensky and Ukraine s network of biolabs also through his son Hunter,Metabiota so active in the Ebola false flag in Africa in 2014,and in crushing the Greek Supreme Court investigation into the crimes of Soros and Gates.

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