Wednesday 10 July 2024

Is Sir Patrick Sanders heading for prison for his and the army s crimes during covid, especially the 77th Brigade?

The relationship between the British army and establishment will never be the same after emerged the British army spied on covid lockdown critics and jab critics in order to allow a campaign by an elite to implement martial law, euthanasisa in care homes and give the British people toxic covid jabs now proven to cause mass sickness and deaths, which have been covered up.

So when one of these same elite figures from the army who allowed these illegal actions on the part of the army tells the British people they must all get ready to serve in a citizen army to protect themselves from an enemy worse than the Nazis, that figure is going to be the object of scepticism and even scorn. 

Yet, our establishment fearing prison, seems determined to use fear mongering of the Russians and Chinese to intrdouce conscription, national service, citizens armies, all as a fig leaf for total control over people s lives. 

Even if the UK were to conscript every single person between 16 and 60 years old, it would protect it from any alleged threat from Russia and China since economic foundations are so weak and economics determines military strength.

The UK in 2024 is not the UK in 1934 or 1944 with its own coal industry, shipping and car industry and vast trade with colonies. 

The UK in 2024 is deindustralized, without a manufactruring base, without vital fossil fuels needed for war, with a weak aerospace sector.

Above all, the UK establishment in 2024 cannot muster public support for any war.

There can be no greater crime or act of war against a people than to give them covertly and using the army bioweapons virus and jabs. The British public now know their own government is the enemy within, the real threat to them,and all the censorship has only confirmed their worst fears that theyare under a tyranny, and the army establishment is a part of that tyranny.

Former Chief of Staff General Sir Patrick Sanders is actually heading for prison for his role in allowing the army to be misued to advance a criminal scheme for the profit of Billionaires and corporsations as proven by Greek prosecutor.

Sanders was Chief of Staff until last month and so is a key figure to be put on trial in the UK along with Cameron, Johnson, Sunak and the Windsors.

He can be put on trial for his role in allowing an army brigade, the 77th Brigade, to be used against the British people to deprive them of informed consent as well as the right to life and health despite warnings of a scheme.

All Labour has to do is vote out WEF elite Keir Starmer and replace him with a trusty fighter for the peple s interests and reform the Bank of England to introduce sound money.

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