Thursday 3 October 2024

An indefinite delay in the trial of Ryan Routh violates Trump s right for speedy trial guaranteed by the 6th Amendment Trump should file his own petition to have his right to a speedy trial to deter more assassination attempts encouraged in Routh s mysterious letter


From media 

Federal prosecutors on Wednesday requested an indefinite delay in the upcoming trial of Ryan Routh, the man accused of attempting to assassinate former President Donald Trump, claiming that a massive trove of evidence has emerged in recent weeks rendering the case "complex," ABC News reports.

According to a Wednesday filing with Florida District Judge Aileen Cannon, prosecutors have gathered too much evidence to proceed to trial - including hundreds of witness interviews, 13 search warrants, and the seizure of "multiple electronic devices" from locations in Florida, Hawaii, and North Carolina. The overwhelming amount of digital data to review - around 4,000 terabytes - allegedly led to the request.

In a highly suspicious move, Harris controlled prosecutors have sought an indefinite delay to the trial of Trump s would be assassin Ryan Routh.

A short and reasonable delay in a trial may be justified to review which evidence is key, relevant and vital and which is not.

But an indefinite delay is not warranted given the seriousness of his crime, the certainty concerning the broad evidence against Routh, and the need for justice to be seen to be done speedily  in order to act as a deterrent to more asassination attempts to Trump, who has already suffered two attempts in as many months.

An indefinite delay is a violation of Trump s right to speedy justice enshrined in the Constitution.

"Justice delayed is justice denied" is a legal maxim. It means that if legal redress or equitable relief to an injured party is available, but is not forthcoming in a timely fashion, it is effectively the same as having no remedy at all.[1]

This principle is the basis for the right to a speedy trial and similar rights which are meant to expedite the legal system, because of the unfairness for the injured party who sustained the injury having little hope for timely and effective remedy and resolution.",having%20no%20remedy%20at%20all.

Trump and his family should file their own petition at the Florida court and plead for their right to a speedy trial of Ryan Routh because if the track record of Trump s  lawyers, his campaign advisors and Ron De Santis is anything to go by, they will not file a petition to safeguard Trump s right to  a speedy trial.

 If should not be possible for the accused to inundate a court with masses of potentially irrelevant data falsely classified as key evidence to delay a trial indeifinitely because a victims have a right to a  SPEEDY trial must also be considered and the broad outlines of the crime are so clear in the case of Routh and that is what matters.

A speedy trial is guaranteed under the Sixth Amendment of the US Constitution

So  Trump has a RIGHT to it especially when it involves such a serious crime against him personally as well as political opposition.

The evidence includes a letter in which Routh apparantly encourages others to assassinate Trump.

The letter and the story behind it needs to be scrutinized to find out who handed in the letter and why they only handed in the letter and weapons, ammo after the assassination attempt and not before as well as who is to pay 1 150 K bounty to assassin Trump, suggesting a conspiracy.

His rights are being violated by the federal prosecutors request for an indefinite delay and his life is being put in danger of another assassination attempt. An indefinite delay to Routh s trial offers de facto immunity from the law for would be assassins of Trump and their handlers and so encorurages more assassination attempts.

He has an especial right to a speedy trial because the offence, attempted assassination of a Presidential candidate, is so serious. It is not merely attempted premeditated first degree homicide but something even more serious. The evidence for the broad crime is clear. It is not necessary for a court to review every detail of thousands of pages of evidence to understand an assassination attempt occurred. The evidence can be reviewed in one day. 

The question who Routh worked for, who is paying the 150 K bounty is probably is also contained in evidence which can be reveiwed in one week, for example, in bank accounts, phone records, video footage, emails.

Key evidence can be identified after a review of the total evidence and presented as a priority.

There is a vast body of law on the right to a speedy trial which Trump can cite in his submission to the court.

Legal precedents for Trump s right to a speedy trial are numerous.

For example,of%20the%20length%20of%20the


United States v. Tippit, 65 M.J. 69 (the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution provides that the accused in a criminal prosecution shall enjoy the right to a speedy  trial; a four-part test has been established for assessing whether a delay amounts to a Sixth Amendment constitutional violation, requiring a balancing of the length of the delay, reasons for the delay, whether the accused demanded a speedy trial, and any prejudice to the accused from the delay; in addition to the Sixth Amendment, timely processing also is subject to assessment under the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment).

(an unconditional plea of guilty which results in a finding of guilty waives any speedy trial issue as to that offense under the Sixth Amendment; in this case, appellant’s unconditional guilty pleas waived his speedy trial rights under the Sixth Amendment). 


United States v. Mizgala, 61 M.J. 122 (the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution contains the constitutional guarantee to a speedy trial; although the text of the amendment does not address waiver, courts have held that the Sixth Amendment right is waived by a voluntary guilty plea; this Court has consistently noted that Article 10 creates a more exacting speedy trial demand than does the Sixth Amendment; not only is the demand for a speedy trial under the UCMJ more exacting, by virtue of Article 98, UCMJ, unreasonable delay in disposing of criminal charges in the military is unlawful; while the full scope of this more exacting Article 10 right has not been precisely defined by this Court, it cannot be more exacting and at the same time be consistent with Sixth Amendment protections).



United States v. Becker, 53 MJ 229 (test for violations of the Sixth Amendment right to a speedy trial includes four factors:  (1) length of delay; (2) reasons for the delay; (3) appellant’s demand for speedy trial; and (4) prejudice to appellant).

And so on.

Delayed justice is no justice.

Indefinitely delayed justice is the same as immunity from the rule of law.

It can amount to a death sentence for the victims of indefinitely delayed justice.

This is the point made by the victims of the Horizon IT miscarriage of justice.

This is the point I make over and over again on this blog and social media concerning the never ending injustice against me in the Greek prosecutor probes and delays in justice!!! 

10 years of delaying justice against Soros and Gates and associates for crimes in Greece is no justice.

It threatens my LIFE! It threatens my LIFE today!!! It threatens my life as a reporter. It is not a private matter is a public matter. It is a FIRST AMENDMENT matter.

I also have a RIGHT to a speedy trial. It is enshrined in ARTICLE 6 of the ECHR!!!

No justice is an invitation to commit more crimes.

There is a reason why speedy justice is requried. Punishments serves as a deterrence to future crimes!!!

Punishment of criminals means everyone is more safe!!!

Journalists like Tucker Carlson are more safe when they put Soros and Gates in prison for crimes against a reporter not less safe!!!

State Govs and AGs are more safe when they put criminals like Soros and Gates in prison not less safe!!!

Covid may never have happened if they, Trump and the US AGs had done their job in 2016 and put Soros and Gates in prison for their crimes in Greece to promote their covid, Ebola scheme in the USA too.

The lawfare and assassination attempts may have happened if Trump and the US AGs had done their duty to put the Billionaires in prison. The election theft may never have happened.

The point about justice is deterrence of more crimes

Trump is more safe if justice is done.

The speedy conviction of Ryan Routh is needed to deter further would be assassins of Trump and other politicians.

As the victim with the stronget legal claim, Trump should file his personal petition asking for a speedy trial in accordance with his rights and fair trial guarantees.

His life is at stake.

He cannot afford to listen to  useless, bribed lawyers or campaign advisors who consistently fail to protect his basic legal interests or the interests of the US public.

Particularly important is for a court to assess any evidence that  government officials, secret service, FBI and prosecutors are engaged in helping assassination attempts against Trump by failures and stand downs.

There may be bank accounts, phone records, emails, video directly linking Routh to Rowe, Harris, Wray or Soros or Gates.

The suspicion that Biden, Harris and the mega Dem donor Soros or Wellington resident Bill Gates have concrete financial or personal links to Ryan Routh is rather confirmed by the request to delay the trial indefintely. An indefinite delay would prevent scrutiny of any evidence linking Routh to the WH and key Billionaires.

What other motive could there be to ask for an indefinite delay than to hide incriminating evidence?

It is up to Trump to uphold his rights before the court by filing the required legal petition with the key arguments, the necessary paperwork and fees.

He can do this in a few hours after consulting with lawyers and the court to find out exactly what the procedure is.

Putting Routh behind bars permanently for the rest of his life for trying to assassin him and overthrow democracy and finding out who was behind the assassination attempt should be a priority for him and for the American public.

It will DETER future similar crimes. Justice is not just about retribution and compensation for victims but about the deterrence of future crimes.

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