Friday, 7 February 2025

Even NYT s Greek arm Ekathimerini says "official" Mitsotakis is a "tipping point" (out of office and into prison) as students protests sweep Greece over his Tempi train collision cover up

 "The public protests called over the Tempe rail crash smashed the government’s illusions of omnipotence. The belief that, in the absence of a powerful opposition, everything and everyone can be managed, that strings can be pulled and the game skillfully controlled, proved naive.," comments Ekathimerini on the end of the Mitsotakis government.

Because no government can survive in power when 80% of the Greeks know its top members have misused their office to, at the very least, cover up a mass murder and, more likely, instigated that mass murder using a train crash.

"Murderers" chanted the students and teachers who demonstrated across Greece today over Mitsotakis  obvious lies.

Because there is no meaningufl media or parliamentary opposition let alone justice to control the covid jab tyrant in the semi totalitarian state of Greece in 2025, the people realize they have to do it.

It is like living through the demise of the Rumanian dictator Ceaucescu watching Mitsotakis tip over from PM into a prisoner in a jail.

That is why it may well come to a "social explosion" as Ekathimerini notes. What does that mean? It means the citizens of Greece may end up running Mitsotakis and his cronies out of town...

Alas, Mitsotakis has  lost all contact with reality because he is constantly taken by surprise by the fact no one believes his verifiable lies, contradictions and cover up and no one wants to have him as PM, he has no authority, no legitimacy, no capacity to convey upon himself an absolution by declaring he is officially innocent. His prosecutors have declared him innocent.

When virtually all Greece knows about his crimes,  and the corruption of his prosecutors, how they have hidden evidence, that creates an officialness of its own, a political reality of its own, which will sooner or later sweep Mitsotakis and all his official  pronouncements away along with his cronies.

The notion he can get away with this crime by keeping control of his party, the media, and justice, is delusional. He has not throught his options through or have any end game apart from more lies

In my view, Mitsotakis needs to focus on the legal action he will be facing, resign and lawyer up before a social explosion occurs.

From media

ATHENS, Greece -- Several thousand high school and university students blocked traffic in central Athens Friday in an anti-government protest against delays in an investigation into a 2023 rail disaster that claimed 57 lives.

Protesters marched through the city center, chanting “Murderers! Murderers!” as hundreds of police officers, many in riot gear, stood by.

The public protests called over the Tempe rail crash smashed the government’s illusions of omnipotence. The belief that, in the absence of a powerful opposition, everything and everyone can be managed, that strings can be pulled and the game skillfully controlled, proved naive. Confidence in the honesty of those governing us also collapsed. First of all, no one believes that the truth came out on that Sunday of the ass protests; what they realized that day was that everyone else already knew they had been lying.  (!)

Second, their competence in governance was also undermined. Until that Sunday, they repeated what they had been told. After that Sunday – nearly two years after the tragedy – they claimed that, despite having an entire state apparatus at their disposal, including intelligence services, security mechanisms and surveillance, they still did not know what happened. And now they are waiting to learn the truth about the tragedy from the investigating magistrate.

On that Sunday, tens of thousands of citizens of all ages and political affiliations, citizens demanding justice, were finally detected on the government’s previously oblivious radar. The findings of public opinion polls indicating the rapid formation of a Trumpian political movement and significant losses from New Democracy further to the right were compounded by a new factor: nearly 200 protests held within Greece and abroad. These demonstrations were an expression of shattered expectations, anger over the erosion of institutions, outrage at the unprecedented widening of inequalities and exhaustion from five and a half years of relentless so-called “reforms.” All of these converged with the demand for transparency and justice in the Tempe disaster and came to suggest that the government’s downward course may no longer be reversible, that it has, perhaps, passed the tipping point. 


When big social movements are not reciprocated with genuinely progressive policies and justice, they can lead to social explosions

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