Thursday, 6 February 2025

Trump and Putin could meeet this month to sign Ukraine peace deal, can fold access to minerals into an agreement

 Looks like dictator Zelensky is going to have to be sidelined to get a peace deal which could embrace access to rare earth minerals for US companies as part of a trade deal (minerals for gas?) and should also embrace an investigation into the Ukrainian bioweapon labs.

The quicker Trump cuts off aide to dictator Zelensky, who has now said 100 billion plus in US aide did not go to the Ukraine (money laundering?), and forces him to the table, the quicker the negotiations on trade deals over rare earth minerals can be made.

Peaceful trade is a far, far better way than costly war to obtain commodities.

Trump and Putin can do a deal which is a win win for the US, Russia and the Ukrainians who need to rebuild their country. as a neutral trade partner.

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