Sunday 7 July 2024

Should French protest voters prepare to hold an extraordinary meeting to oust Marine Le Pen (ditto Keir Starmer in the UK) if she goes along Macron in declaring a false flag emergency, refuses to scrutinize postal, proxy votes?

The second round of voting is under way in France today, Sunday, to determine which party will dominate parliament with projections to announced  at 8pm, and that by unelected and unaccountable media, largely controlled by the WEF elite, something which is often overlooked.

Altogether 289 seats are needed for the absolute majoirty in the French parliament 

RN of Marine Le Pen projected to get between 250 and 300 seats.

With 2 million proxy votes cast in the first round, scrutiny should be on the potential for massive fraud using proxy and postal votes especially to swing marginal constituencies to Macron and his ally, Melenchon,leader of the far left.

But RN voters may be most interested in observing what Marine Le Pen does. 

A cheerleader for the covid vaccines, Le Pen has all the hallmarks of controlled opposition who is positioned to thwart the RN from within.

She can do this in several ways supported by her coterie of advisors. 

For example, she can refuse to scrutinize any postal and proxy vote irregularities despite it being her duty as a party leader to ensure French elections are fair and honest for all.

In addition, if the RN fails to get the absolute majority, Marine Le Pen can enter into coalition talks, declare the talks failed and then agree to a coup d etat as happened in The Netherlands where all four coalition members appointed the former spy chief as Prime Minister in clear violation of their duty to their voters and  in violations of the principles of democracy,accountability and transparency.

She can also allow a government of technocrats to take over without scrutinizing who those technocrats work for. Do they work, for example, for McKinsey?

Finally, she can allow Macron to launch a false flag to be blamed on Russia and dissolve parliament under the pretext of an emergency.

This may well also  trigger Russia to launch a nuclear strike against France and the West as the Russians are all too aware of the threats of nuclear dirty bombs and other false flags against them as are the Chinese. 

It may spell the end of the West but the WEF elite are not capable of coherent planning as we have all seen now from the cognitive decline of Biden.

RN voters have to be very clear to Le Pen thatshe is elected to do their will, to keep her promise and represent them and democracy.

She is not an autocratic monarch or feudal lord.

She is the elected leader of a party, elected to uphold democracy, parliament and the rule of law.

She has no mandate to hand over the government to any unelected official and no mandate to allow Macron to dissolve parliament under any pretext whatsoever.

Emergencies are when parliament has to sit and be able to scrutinize what is going on to prevent the abuse of these powers.

If Marine Le Pen feigns in 2024 not realize there is an WEF agenda, and false flags are a part of it as she feigned not to realize the covid jabs were toxics, the French have to oust her in an extraordinary meeting as unfit for her office and replace her and Jordan Bardella if necessary, with an honest politician, perhaps even Marechal Le Pen who seems to be well aware not all is as it appears in her aunt s party.

Remember to succeed as controlled opposition, Marine Le Pen always has to be appear plausible, make it plausible she really does not know and, usually by omission. Yes, she may have simply forgotten all the evidence the toxic covid jabs were toxic, forgotten false flags are a part of the Globalists way of obtaining control of government, forgotten there is such a thing as  voter fraud,forgotten politics is not about appeasing markets or coalition partners but about representing the voters.

Omission, silence, not returning calls,emails is a well known tactic of the controlled opposition to exclude legitimate concerns.

But if she is so forgetful about vital information and so incompetent, then she should not be party leader.

The  party leader serves the voters not the other way round.

 Le Pen has no blank cheque. If she is non compos menti like Biden, then she should go.

An extroardinary party meeting could be a way to oust her...and also WEF elite Keir Starmer in the UK whose broad agenda is clearly in synch with the WEF, including installing the covid jab tsar as the new Science Minister and backing digital IDs.

Keir Starmer is now using the NHS advisor of WEF elite Tony Blair to undertake the reform of the NHS, when Alan Milburn s reforms under Tony Blair paved the way for the persecution of NHS whistleblowers.


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