Wednesday 3 July 2024

Hunter and Jill Biden fume at Supreme Court after a ruling which enables criminal prosecution of them, Joe, Obama for covid and other crimes

Extremely important and clear ruling from the Supreme Court clarifies when a President can claim immunity, cannot claim immunity for actions deemed personal or unofficial while in office.

Personal and unofficial would include all the actions,communications which Biden,Jill and Hunter, Obama certainly undertook in 2015, including moving ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt from Kiev to Athens in 2016, to stop the Greek Supreme Court investigating the proofs the Dems top donor Soros personally organized a murder attempt against a reporter,and their actions up to today in relation to Soros and Gates epidemic disease jab plot (covid, Ebola,bird flu)

Though the very clear, fair ruling of the Supreme Court limited presidential immunity to acts in harmony with the Constitution, Biden falsely claimed it opened the door to a presidential crime spree.

The lawlessness of the Biden family oligarchy and their funder Alex Soros was on display when they organized the conviction of Trump as a felon for paying 100 K of his own money to an adult porn star in an act with no socially dangerous consequences for Americans while ignoring and failing to prosecute those responsible for the millions of Americans made sick and killed by toxic covid jabs, including Bourla and Gates.

The Kansas State AG has filed legal action against Pfizer over its false and deceptive marketing to fill a dangerous legal vaccuum.

From media

The Court found that there was absolute immunity for actions that fall within their “exclusive sphere of constitutional authority” while they enjoy presumptive immunity for other official acts. They do not enjoy immunity for unofficial, or private, actions.

The Court has often adopted tiered approaches in balancing the powers of the branches. For example, in his famous concurrence to Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579 (1952), Justice Robert Jackson broke down the line of authority between Congress and the White House into three groups where the President is acting with express or implied authority from Congress; where Congress is silent (“the zone of twilight” area); and where the President is acting in defiance of Congress.

Here the Court separated cases into actions taken in core areas of executive authority, official actions taken outside those core areas, and unofficial actions.  Actions deemed personal or unofficial are not protected under this ruling.

It is certainly true that the case affords considerable immunity, including for conversations with subordinates. However, this did not spring suddenly from the head Zeus. As Chief Justice John Roberts lays out in the majority opinion, there has long been robust protections afforded to presidents.

There are also a host of checks and balances on executive authority in our constitutional system. This includes judicial intervention to prevent violations of the law as well as impeachment for high crimes and misdemeanors.

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