Tuesday 1 October 2024

AG James illegal lawfare against Trump should be prosecuted in the next phase to deter other prosecutors, especially those funded by Soros in the USA

 As NY AG Letitia James lawfare against Trump is exposed, she needs more than a slap on the wrist. She needs to face prosecution.

Her gigantic c 480 M fine for no crime and no fraud needs to be penalized.

Whoever is responsible for whatever appears to be an arbtitary valuation of Trump s property needs to be put on scrutinized for conflicts of interests.

If it is lawful for a court to make their chosen valuation of a property or asset by a possibly conflicted court appointed agency the basis of fraud charges, then almost every American can be accused of fraud.

A family can be accused of fraudulently applying for a mortgage because they understated how much money they had to spend on groceries, fuel etc and overstated their disposable income and put in prison if some court appointed valuation makes such a claim on the basis of some arbitrary assumptions.

The destruction of due procss, the misuse of her office to launch illegal lawfare against political opponents is a criminal offence. It is a determined effort to undermine the Constitution and civil rights. It is dangerous for every American. 

When AG James is placed on trial along with her Dem donor benefactors and her political allies, then Americans can say there is an effective deterrent to a repeat.

A huge error has been made in not prosecuting Soros, Gates and co for corrupting justice in Greece. Whenever there is no penalty for crimes, the criminals are motivated to commit more crimes, including trying to put Trump in prison, ruin him financially


Bizarre and arbitrary evaluations of property were also at the root of the Soros controlled lawfare against me in Austria from 2009, 2010 over the inheritance of my late father and especially his almost brand new house in Nastlbergerg 17, 1130.

At the time, I was sure my father was killed by Soros and his cronies using a medical pretext to destroy me for my Baxter charges, and now I feel free to say it because the pattern, method is clear especially when it came to the crimes committed by Dr Philipp Nierlich and the corrupted judges in the inheritance.

The vast network of prosecutors and judges which Soros has funded has to be exposed and neutralized especially as elections approach and results may be contested

When George and Alex Soros go to pretrial detention for their crimes against a reporter along with their corrupted justice officials in Greece, when their Foundations are closed, then there will be a legal basis to compel all prosecutors who received funds from Soros in the USA to resign under taint of corruption and participating in a cash for favours scheme.

From Zerohedge

James is best known for her fraud case against Trump, in which she secured a $464 million fine and a ban on Trump from the New York real estate business for three years.

That penalty, which has now risen to $489 million with interest, was in a case where no one had lost a dime due to the alleged inaccurate property valuations in bank loans secured by the Trump organization. Not only where the banks fully paid on the loans and made considerable profits, but they wanted to make additional loans to the Trump organization.

In appellate arguments this week, James’s office faced openly skeptical justices who raised the very arguments that some of us have made for years about the ludicrous fine imposed by Judge Arthur Engoron.

Justice David Friedman noted that this law “is supposed to protect the market and the consumers — I don’t see it here.”

His colleague Justice Peter Moulton told her office “The immense penalty in this case is troubling” and added, “How do you tether the amount that was assessed by [Engoron] to the harm that was caused here where the parties left these transactions happy?”

The answer, of course, is the case was never about markets. It was about politics. The fact that the banks were “happy” is immaterial. Happiness in New York is a political, not legal calculus. The justices did not rule this week, but an opinion could be issued within a month.


In the wake of the failed assassination attempts against former President Donald Trump, the United States Secret Service (USSS) is now facing a lawsuit over its implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) rules.

Mailman gave her reasons for being against the 30% policy, saying that  “it’s illegal, and you shouldn’t discriminate on the basis of sex,” and also that “it’s particularly dangerous in the Secret Service,” and “particularly harmful to women.”

“As we all remember, when the pictures of that day came out, it was immediately like these women are all cops, and they can’t find their holster,” Mailman continued.

“All of the blame seems to be on women, including Kim Cheatle, all the way down. That’s what happens when you have quota systems.”

In the video footage of the assassination attempt, criticism was particularly aimed at the conduct of the few female agents who were part of President Trump’s detail that day. Several women were noticeably overweight, with one seen cowering behind other agents and President Trump immediately after the shots rang out, while another one visibly struggled to re-holster her weapon as President Trump was being escorted into a vehicle to be taken to the hospital.


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