Tuesday 1 October 2024

MP Rosie Duffield can form a cross party coalition of backbench MPs to pass vital laws including reintroducing a Bradbury Pound 2.0, investigating covid jab harms, stopping armament of Ukraine, Israel, abolishing the monarchy

 Rose Duffield is an MP and can introduce laws in partliament.

Enjoying significant support from other MPs and the public and high profile influencers like JK Rowling, former Labour MP Rosie Duffie can work together with Jeremy Corbyn and other independents as well as disillusioned Labour, Tory and Liberal MPs to get private members bills passed.

All that is needed is a majority of MPs to vote for a bill for it to become law.

The intitive does not have to rest with Starmer and his corrupted Ministers.

Backbenchers can organize to pass laws.

They can even pass a bill to form a unity government with a new PM and deputy MP chosen from the backbenchers, who are not part of a secret association controlled by the WEF elite or enjoying "gifts" from Lord Alli...

A  priorty should be a law to get the Bank of England back under the control of the government so that it can issue its own free money, ending the UKs debt death spiral. 

Like the ECB, the BoE seems to be public in name only and nominally only serving the government.

With the BoE under state control to enable monetary financing, a government can cut taxes, cancel debts, mortgages, invest in businesses, fund the NHS and education, the arts, social benefits like the fuel subsidies and give the British people back an economic future.

The Bradbury Pound introduced to fund WW1 could be a model.



Russia shows how a country can thrive even during a war by issuing its own money and trading with new partners.

Inflation can be controlled with price controls and by imports as well as by expanding domestic production by giving free cash grants which do not have to be repaid.

Commercial banks can be set up to select the best projects.

As the WEF elite seem ready to commit any crime to retain their power and money which comes ultimately from their control of the central banks and the issuance of money, a bill to thoroughly investigate the covid jab harms by independent MPs should be introduced in parallel to help put the WEF elite responsible from Boris Johnson to Liz Truss and Keir Starmer to King Charles in prison.

The public will demand this criminal network faces trials when they see the proofs in Greece.

Backbenchers can also pass bills abolishing the monarchy and nationalizing the Monarchy s land and assets.

From media

All is not well in the Labour party. Not only is Sir Keir still dealing with the freebie fiasco, Starmer also lost a longtime MP last week after she quit the party. Rosie Duffield left Labour with a bang, penning a scathing letter that blasted the ‘sleaze, nepotism and apparent avarice’ existing among the lefty lot, telling the Prime Minister: ‘I am so ashamed of what you and your inner circle have done to tarnish and humiliate our once proud party.’ Shots fired…

And now renowned writer JK Rowling has waded into the matter. Duffield’s resignation letter received immense backlash from her former colleagues – many of whom, alongside Starmer, have taken issue with her stance on women’s rights – with Labour’s Nadia Whittome even tweeting that the gender critical politician had ‘made a political career out of dehumanising one of the most marginalised groups in society…Labour should have withdrawn the whip long ago’. No love lost there, eh? But now Whittome is getting a taste of her own medicine, with the Harry Potter author quick to publicly swoop to Duffield’s defence:



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