Friday 4 October 2024

Assange confirms Trump was far more aggressive and lawles sin trying to destroy free speech than Obama, Biden

 Julian Assange has said that the threat to him as a journalist changed dramatically in February 2017 when Donald Trump appointed “two wolves in Maga hats” – Mike Pompeo as the CIA director and William Barr as the US attorney general.

Assange confirmed that Trump s CIA director Mike Pompeo plotted to assassinate him.

I can only say the same lawlessness and tyranny which Trump insituted had consequences for me in Greece.

The Greek Supreme Court investigation into the corruption of the Soros and Gates probe stopped in its tracks and the crimes against me gathered pace.

The censorship of my social media  made it virtually impossible for me to publish anything.

My birdflu666 wordpress blog was removed in 2018 after 9 years.

I could not make a backup of it after Trump and Javanka backed up by Steve Bannon took office.

In 2017, I was nearly put in prison illegally for posting the informaiton that a Russian journalist gave me indicating the Trump administation was involved in the covid criminal scheme. 

Parallel, the Trump administration insituted the framework for the massive expansion of state censorhip using the Pentagon and state agencies, allowed gain of function reserch again to create covid.

It was Trump who insituted the tyrannical lockdowns and it was Trump who signed the executive order for Warp Speed to produce the 100s of millions of doses of covid jabs which caused massive Excess Deaths and sickness when Biden administered them from January 2021.

It was under Trump that the private Fed starting raising interest rates and hollowng out the real world economy, that vast numbers of farmers went bankrupt as a result of his China sanctions.

It was under Trump that we saw the bizarre and grotestque spectacle of Don Jr disco dancing in the run up to the attempt to overthrow the election and Congress.

And it is Trump in September 2024 who has lied on TV and made the false claim the jabs have saved lives based on misleading statistics which he says Pfizer has.

Where there is no free speech, there is no democracy, no prosperity and no future for the USA.

Where there is no rule of law, there is no free speech.

Trump and his team show ZERO sign of taking any of these problems seriously or of dealing with the gigantic debt problem of the USA.

It s over for the US.

Trump s election is not going to change the trajectory with this sleight of policies and this record.

From media

Julian Assange has said he chose freedom “over unrealisable justice” as he described his plea deal with US authorities and urged European lawmakers to act to protect freedom of expression in a climate with “more impunity, more secrecy [and] more retaliation for telling the truth”.

In his first public statement since the plea deal in June ended his nearly 14 years of prison, embassy confinement and house arrest in the UK, the WikiLeaks founder argued that legal protections for whistleblowers and journalists “only existed on paper” or “were not effective in any remotely reasonable time”.

“I eventually chose freedom over unrealisable justice, after being detained for years and facing a 175-year sentence with no effective remedy,” he told lawmakers in Strasbourg at the parliamentary assembly of the Council of Europe (Pace), the human rights body with members ranging from Iceland to Azerbaijan.


The rights of journalists and publishers within the European space are seriously threatened,” he told Pace’s committee on legal affairs and human rights, urging the assembly to act. “The criminalisation of news-gathering activities is a threat to investigative journalism everywhere. I was formally convicted by a foreign power for asking for, receiving and publishing truthful information about that power while I was in Europe.”


Assange told the committee on Tuesday that the landscape changed dramatically in February 2017 when Donald Trump appointed “two wolves in Maga hats” – Mike Pompeo as the CIA director and William Barr as the US attorney general.

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