Friday 4 October 2024

Trump and Harris economic plans have a gigantic debt problem Neither have a roadmap to avoid the collapse of the US economy due to the debt death spiral, hyperinflation

Both Trump and Harris have presented plans that fail to address the USA unprecedented debt problem


Federal finance is quickly spiraling out of control, with interest payments on the debt now exceeding $1 trillion each year and growing. Kicking the deficit-spending can down the road is not something we can do for long. Runaway government spending is already turning us into a nation of debt slaves.

Not only is this the first fiscal year when interest on the federal debt eclipsed the $1 trillion threshold, but there’s still another whole month to go before the fiscal year ends.

Federal, state, corporate, personal debt has reached unprecedented levels, is growing exponentially and will destroy the real world economy as the US enters the final phase of the debt death spiral.

The ultimate source of all this debt is the private Federal Reserve.

Neither Trump nor Harris plan addresses this problem. Whether taxes are cut, spending is cut or taxes are raised and spending is raised is irrelavant when about half of all personal income taxes is already going to the private banks to fund a federal defict because the private have been given the fraudulent privilege of printing money since 1913.

Trump s plans to lower corporate taxes and impose tariffs to stimulate the domestic economy will not bear fruit when about half the real world domestic econmies profits end up in the pockets of private bankers as debt payments, meaning there is no money for investments, savings etc

In just a year, hyperinflation could wipe out the dollar and the US economy and take down the UK and Europe with it.

The soaring oil prices will add to the inflationary pressures in the West.

But not in China which has a huge stockpile of oil, trades with Russia and has significant other energy sources like solar powered cars and coal fired power stations as well as vast financial resources in the form of a state central bank issuing like Russia s.

China and Russia will end up buying up everything.

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