Tuesday 2 July 2024

Le Figaro beats drum against any secret deal by Freemason Melenchon,Macron and Le Pen to stich up the election. Can French putsch Marine Le Pen, Bardella from RN leadership, replace them with Marechal Le Pen and nationalize the central bank?

 Major French newspaper Le Figaro on Monday  urged voers not to vote for Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the leader of the radical left movement France Unbowed (LFI), who is a major figure in the leftwing alliance, and so drove a wedge into the  tactical voting plans of Macron and Melenchon to enable the WEF establishment to retain power in the second round of the elections.

Le Figaro also revealed Melenchon is a Free Mason.


He is a menber of  Grand Orient de France.


Is Macron a member of the same lodge? 

The Grand Orient has a branch in Greece.


We can only speculate on which Greek politicians belong to it.

Of note, the Freemasons were one of the main organizers of the French Revolution which ousted the Monarchy and placed the central bank in the hands of private bankers,ensuring two centuries of debt slavery, wars and dictatorship.


It was Napoleon founded the private bank of France in 1800.


The parallels with the Russian revolution are clear.

Lenin and associates were paid by the European monarchs, notably the Kaiser,and Swiss bankers to oust the Tsars and take over the Russian central bank,which was de facto privatized in 2017,ensuring a century of debt slavery, terror,secret police, propaganda,wars and dictatorship for the Russians and vast profits for the private banking cartel run also by the Rothschilds and Soros.

 The Duke of Kent is the head of the powerful British Freemason lodge.


Melenchon has made a deal with Macron to withdraw their own candidate wherever there is a three-way fight in a constituency in the second round  of the elections, paving the wary for a Melenchon and Macron to amass seats and form a coalition or a  hung parliament.

There were also 2 million mysterious proxy votes cast in the first round which could potentially flip over constituencies with relatively votes...

However, in 2024, the French people realize Macron is not centrist. Macron is the extreme, far radical right, suspending parliament over covid, instituting lockdowns, medical martial law and campaigns with experimental jabs which have caused excess deaths,supporting Zelensky with Naz brigades in his army, Ursula von der Leyen embroiled in Pfizergate for the next ECP and looting the French nation to help the private banks and "markets.

Macron has been supported by Melenchon and Le Pen in the core WEF covid plot.

Unfortunately for this trio, the broad French public ignored them and rejected the toxic covid jabs.

The dilemna now is who to vote for?

Le Figaro has urged French to not vote for Melenchon in the second round and to vote for the RN.

That means, a majority for the RN is possible.

My thinking is,the RN base should then putsch away Le Pen and Jordan Bardella, who seems to only have the job of PM because he is dating one of her nieces and so is under Marine Le Pen s control.

The RN base can convene a meeting and vote for a new leadership, which could be Marechal Le Pen. She seems sincere and clued in to the shady dealings of Marine Le Pen and her pals in Austria, controlled opposition Herbert Kickl.

The first thing on the agenda should be the reform of the private central bank.

Whether the private banks and markets "punish" the new RN government depends on whether the French allow the private gangsters to continue to rob them via the private central bank.

While the American and British Freemason lodges seem to be at war with each other, both of them serve the private central banking system.

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