Tuesday 2 July 2024

Top Dems continue to ignore base to back non compos mentis Biden. What is their plan for victory without their own Dem base backing Biden?

 From media

Bloomberg reports that the Democratic National Committee is considering formally nominating Joe Biden as early as mid-July to ensure that the president is on November ballots, while helping to stamp out intra-party chatter of replacing him after last week’s poor debate performance.

Democrats had already planned to nominate Biden, 81, before the convention in order to ensure he appears on the ballot in Ohio, which had an Aug. 7 deadline for candidates to be certified.

A potential date for Biden’s nomination is July 21, when the Democratic convention’s credentials committee meets virtually, according to people familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity.


If the top Democrats do not want to present a better candidate than Joe Biden for the elections,do not want to mobilize their own base to vote for a Democrat in a fair right, then what is their plan for victory?

Does it include false flags to start WW3 with Russia, a bird flu pandemic, civil war or assassination attempts, mass imprisonment, conscription?

The reality is the top Dems of Biden,Obama,the Clintons have never worked for the interests of their base or any ordinary Americans. They serve the interests of the WEF elite, of Billionaires like Soros and Gates, Wall Street and corporations like Pfizer and Raytheon as is shown by their unwavering support for the epidemic disease plot since 2009 also documented in my various charges over this cliques crimes against me.

Who was president and vice president from 2009? Who sanctioned and approved of the bird flu,swine flu, Ebola plot and finally carried out the covid hit job?

Obama and Biden with Obama pulling the strings behind the scenes of a non compos mentis Biden in 2024.





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