Tuesday 2 July 2024

Fake pandemic planned to justify suspending the US elections? WEF elite use Joe Biden as a cut out to funnel 176 M to Moderna for dangerous mRNA bird flu jabs. Will the ordinary Americans use their weapons to defend their right to life and health in 2024 if State AGs fail to protect them from a criminal network in office under false pretences?



"Only 15.7% of U.S. adults had received the newest Covid shots from Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax as of Nov. 18 2023"


Even as millions of Americans are known from official government statistics to have died or gotten sick from the experimental mRNA covid jabs and after Kansas AGs filed a lawsuit against Pfizerf for false and deceptive marketing, Gates and Soros and their associates in the Biden admin and in Big Pharma are moving forward with a bird flu pandemic plot.

The unelected oligarchy running the Biden admin and using a non compos mentis Joe Biden as a figleaf  have given 176 million to Moderna to develop mRNA bird flu jabs.

Moderna started its bird flu vaccine trial 1018 on adults last year,and the trial is still in progress.


BARDA is funding the irregular bird flu trials.


Another fake pandemic could be used by the WEF elite, who know they are facing prison for the covid jab harms as lawsuits accelerate, to try to suspend elections, implement lockdowns and mass vaccinations.

The American people have a right to life and health.

Covid style lockdowns and jabs can never be allowed to happen again.

They have a right to expect law enforcement to do their job and put dangerous criminals threatening them with bioweapons in prison.

If law enforcement fails, they have a right to armed self defence.

The covid jabs are not just a civil or false claims case.They are criminal case of the most serious kind.

In criminal cases, arrest warrants can be issued, bank accounts frozen. When lives are threatened in their millions, law enforcements has the right to fan out across the USA and put Billionares like Gates, Soros in prison, close their Foundations and raid the White House.

The covid jab and bird flu jab crimes are not covered by presidential immunity.

The Constitution expressly forbids presidents from acting for private Billionaires to abolish rights, free speech, elections, to launch bioweapons attacks on the USA for private profit.

A bioweapon jab is also a weapon. These epidemic experimental jabs also injures, makes sick and kills people. The covid mRNA jab is proven by Excess Death Datate to have killed so many Americans, life expectancy in the USA dropped and is now behind China, which didn t give its people the mRNA jabs.

StateAGs need to use the Greek prosecutor probes to start puttng Gates, Soros, Jill and Joe Biden, Trump and Bourla, Obama behind bars. They can t expect to get orders from Biden and Trump to do what the law requires them to to because Biden and Trump are in on the epidemic disease plot as prosecutor proofs and events have shown.



What are proofs collected by state prosecutor in Greece there for if not for other prosecutors to use them to put dangerous criminals who control our governments in the West in prison?

When US AGs refuse to use these prosecutor proofs, they make a mockery of their own prosecutor probes and justice and encourage,embolden the WEF crime gang in DC,betray their voters, betray Americans, enable Gates and Soros to kill millions of Americans and make them sick and keep repeating the scam, year in, year out. 

At what point do the US AGs become legally liable for their incompetence in failing to use these proofs known to the Russians since 2016?

Do they expect to see Gates, Soros funded media and alt media (Tucker was addressed as CIA by Putin for a reason) publicize these proofs? Want to wait for Gates and Soros funded media pundits encourage them to arrest Gates and Soros? Wait for the Gates and Soros controlled Biden admin to prosecute their own funders and promoters Gates and Soros? 

From media

Moderna has secured $176 million in federal funding to develop mRNA vaccines against a potential bird flu pandemic, the Boston-based company announced Tuesday, a move that could bolster U.S. vaccine stockpiles as health officials and experts worry the highly contagious H5N1 influenza virus tearing through poultry farms and cattle herds could spread to humans .


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