Tuesday 2 July 2024

Russia prepares to buy up West in the next year or two as private central bank debt bubble bursts, can put WEF elite on trial

The imminent implosion of the private dollar and euro into inflation and hyperinflation may be why Russia is not anxious to defeat the Ukraine decisively despite having the weapons.


The private bankers are in a dilemna.They would love to push up the interest rates on eurozone debt, force austerity, topple populist governments, cause economies to collapse, launch a false flag to start WW3 and mass conscription accompanied by a CBDC.

But to attempt that would be to hasten their inevitable end at the hands of crowds of furious Western citizens,furious also at the covid jab harms, and armed with pitchforks or the Russians and Chinese.

1984 is not 2024.

Yes, we, the people in the West,are in serious trouble but the one s with the most to lose are our WEF elite,all those Billionaires, CEOs, politicians, media figures, bankers who have lived so well from the private central bank fraud debt bubble which about to burst.

The WEF elite are not prepared for their inevitable fall. Bill and Melinda Gates, the Soros family, Bourla are not prepared for their inevitable trials.

The Russian economists have, no doubt, done their models and calculations of how much money is in circulation in W, how much interest is owed, what percentage the interest is of the GDP, taxes,how soon inflation will turn to hyperinflation and probably started looking at the various real estate objects their state sovereign fund may wish to purchase like Monaco, Davos, Balmoral, Windsor, the Hamptons, the Champs Elysee.

A bird flu false flag, a cyber attack, a  civil war will all acclerate the collapse of the West and the delivery of the WEF elite into the hands of their biggest enemies for their covid jab and other crimes.

Not sure if Jill Biden and Obama, Soros and Nat Rothschild, Mitsotakis, Tsipras Kickl,Nehammer, Charles and Sunak understand that at that point at the latest,they will be facing trial in Moscow or Beijing or a surrogate court, much cheered on my the rest of the globe, for their many crimes including Ebola, the covid virus,jabs, the 2014 Maidan coup and their bioweapons programmes in the Ukraine. After Biden s TV debate debacle, they may plead mental incapacity. 

Who in their right mind would allow so many proofs be collected against them in prosecutor probes in Greece? Only the insane and senile would do this.But now we know from the state of Jill and Joe Bien that the WEF elite are delusional and mentally unfit. Doubt, though, the Russian and Chinese judges accept their plea of mental incapacity when their domestic populations will want to see Putin and Xi get though with their enemies.

Simply telling the Russians and Chinese they have not seen the proofs they have seen won t work any more than telling the Americans they haven t seen with their own eyes Biden is mentally unfit. 

The Kremlin has been watching these proofs collecting against Soros and Gates since at least 2016.



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