Tuesday 2 July 2024

Tucker Carlson talks about his surprise that Christians have turned out to be surprisingly real world, clued in people as St Paisios said we are living the Apocalypse. Is the Anti Christ funded by the private central banks?

From media

In this video, you'll see a very honest and candid conversation with the famous news personality Tucker Carlson. He shares some interesting thoughts on the spiritual realm and the wisdom of Bible believers. Stay tuned until the end to find out why he says what he says...


Tucker touches on old theme.

It s everywhere in literature from The Odyssey to Hamlet to 1984.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.


In 2024, the broad public is finding out all is not what it seems concerning the covid lockdowns and jabs

Nothing is,in fact, as it is presented to us, especially not in the Western hemisphere since the gold smiths and private bankers started issuing fiat paper money and eventually took control of the governments and central banks in the best business the world has every invented, draining the entire wealth of a country into their pockets by interest on money,notes and coins...

in the 13th century in Italy  and The Netherlands


and in the 17th century in the UK



The bankers  used some of their ill gotten gains to fund the corruption of our political systems and governments, obtain influence over our media, cultrual and education systems to make sure that the curriculum excluded and continues to exclude the vital subject of money  to hide from the public where all their money,savings, work and wealth is going, namely into their pocket via interest on government money issued as debt.

In 2024, the public is also waking up to the fact many of the WEF elite literally practise Satanism and very much believe in God and Christ.

The next shoe to drop may be when the world finds out the most unlikely story of all is actually true.

Jesus Christ is not just the most real world spiritual but also historical, economical and political force there is.

He sure seems to be against the private central banking fraud,which gives our trillions to the WEF elite.

That s how come we have such incompetents and delusional people in power from Biden to Prince Andrew and Klaus Schwab, how come theyhave become so rich and we, the people, have become so poor. It s a mafia scheme. An Anti Christ scheme...

And Christ has a plan to shake us all up and make us think about things that are more than the footie,the Netflix, the mortgage.

St Paisios said in the 1980s our generation would live the events of the Book of Revelation,the rise of the Anti Christ and his fall when Christ slaps him down, followed by a period of serenity when the people of the world would have the chance to study the most real world books of all, the Gospels. 




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