Tuesday 2 July 2024

Prosecution for incitement needed for WEF elite lie David Aaronovitch claiming new Supreme Court allows for the assassination of political opponents and drone strikes on SCOTUS

 WASHINGTON, July 1 (Reuters) - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Monday that Donald Trump cannot be prosecuted for actions that were within his constitutional powers as president in a landmark decision recognizing for the first time any form of presidential immunity from prosecution.



So, the SCOTUS ruling about presidential immunity has been interpreted by some of the more delusional WEF elite media to mean that Biden can order the assassination of Trump and a drone strike on the Supreme Court.

It has put a brake on the brazen lawfare being used by Biden admin against Trump  to put him in prison for 100,000 USD of hush money to a porn star to ensure Biden and his associates win the election.

The act has to be not just official but in harmony with the core constitutional duties of a president to be exempted from immunity.

The Contitution enshrines the rule of law,  democracy  and the separation of powers as the ultimate authority in US politics and so gives special protection to the Supreme Court exercising its function of upholding the Constitution and the rule of law.

Claims the new ruling would allow Biden to assassinate Trump or vice versa or drone strike SCOTUs which were even spread by a BBC reporter David Aaronovitch in a since deleted tweet shows just how a lust for power at all costs reigns among some of the WEF elite.


Aaronovitch should be prosecuted for incitement to violence and hate speech like the rest.

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