Friday 20 September 2024

Alex Jones panics as even Phoebe Gates elite friends cut her off over her family s covid jab harms without any fear of being misbranded as conspiracy theorists Facts are what count also in courts of law and that is where Phobe is heading for the Gates families depraved covid jab crimes

Alex Jones has done a lot to monopolize the alt media and he has succeeded also by silence and omission when whistleblowers and reporters were threatened, attacked and silenced also by Billionaires like Soros and Gates to ensure these crimes can be carried out with a little publicity as possible as well as by promoting a close knit network around figures like Steve Bannon, Del Bigtree, Ryan Cole, Peter McCullough and Reiner Fuellmich, Robert Cibis.

He appears to have a product to sell to the Billionaires, which he calls "intelligence". Where does his massive fortune come from, estimated by some to be 270 million dollars?

There is a myth which Alex Jones sells, namely, that he is intelligent when he appears to me to be as thick as plank. Anyone who heard him during his trial had to conclude he has an IQ in the lowest percentile of the population. Intelligent people can stay abreast of events. AJ cannot. It s the same old, same old script since 2009.

He appears to have deceived his paymasters for a purpose. He constantly exaggerates his "intelligence", "usefulness" and significance in 2024 and downplays the extent of the public awakening in order, it seems, to keep the cash and favours flowing to him for his nefarious services as a Mr Charrington.

Today, Alex Jones tried to grapple with the reality that he is irrelevant. The broad public knows far more than he does in 2024.

Phobe Gates revealed as much when she said some of her friends have cut her off due to the covid vaccine harms and her family s role in a criminal scheme. 

The decompartmentalization has reached the exclusive circle of Phoebe Gates! 

And she seems surprised, taken aback like Bill Gates that her elite friends know the ABC of her family s crimes when these facts are censored by the Gates funded media

Yes, the daughter of a tech nerd, a geek, an isolated, social misfit seems surprised that there is such a thing as a society out there with people talking to each other about real world facts and discussing matters of vital interest to them!

The daughter of a computer scientist who seems to know virtually nothing about culture, history or have any social circle herself outside of Microsoft and BMGF is surprised in the real world that people talk all the time to eachother and are not total fools.

She is surprised they are angry that her family played a key role in trying to destroy them economically with lockdowns and public health wise with toxic jabs.

After all, there is only supposed to be the respectable MSM funded by the Gates and the suspicious conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones and nothing in between, no, according to the Gates family.

There is not supposed to be a society composed of families, composed often of judges, prosecutors, lawyers in elite circle, who talk to each other and with their friends at home, at the barbecue at the lake shore cabin, at college, at the golf club, at the boat club, at the riding club, visiting museums, festivals etc etc

Alex Jones has encouaged the Billionaires to live in a parallel fantasy world to reality by refusing to address the huge, public awakening caused by the covid jab harms and the dramtic, permanent and far reaching change of public opinion adequantely.

Phoebe friends are not readng about the covid jab harms from the Gates and Soros funded media because there is almost toral censorship about these harms there.

They are not learning them from Alex Jones and Infowars.

They are learning them by doing the research, reading the clinical studies, excess death statistics, and from the 10s of thousands of sources avaliable to day on the internet.

These elite friends are educated, some may have studied biology like her, and they can think the facts through for themselves and come to their own conclusions.

They can talk freely to their friends and parents and families about these facts.

And they can and do talk to her about them.

Her friends don t hide their hostility, animosity.

They cut her off, shut down communications.

They do not tell her once or twice bu tthey tell her "all the time" about her parents covid jab crimes.

They do not fear the Gates family. They do not want Phoebe s friendship or her money.

Phoebe s friends are not cowered or desiring to ingratitiate themselves like Alex Jones appears to be.

They are educated, and know the facts. They know what they are talking about.

They are forthright, open and clear in their accusations and criticism against her parents made to her face.

And they will want her in prison.

They will want her in prison because that is where Phobe, Bill and Melinda deserve to go for their covid jab crimes.

They do not care about Alex Jones and Infowars That is not where they get their information, facts from. They do not care about being branded conspiracy theorists. They know they are not.

The pyschological operation the Gates family were counting on to keep people isolated, afraid, silent while giving them poison jabs has totally collapsed.

These people were once Phoebe s  "friends" but something has changed. They are now her enemies.

No doubt these friends are very well connected. Their family networks may extend to prosecutors, federal judges, lawyers, who share their beliefs because they have also looked at the research and facts.

Because children generally say what they hear their parents say.

Yet, the Gates family seems to be under the delusional belief they can continue to lie, mislead and even launch mpox jab scam with the help of a discredited Alex Jones and succeed because they believe that they have cornered the market on conspiracy theories and isolated it from the mainstream by slander, defamation, censorship.

That they can continue to brand 90% of Americans, including the elite of the elite, the Stanford biology graduates as conspiracy theorists in their media and get away with it.

Phoebe has found out the hard way that the knowledge about her and her parents and siblings crimes is now everywhere. 

She hears about it "all the time."

As MP Christopher Chope said, there is word of mouth which cannot be censored.

Phobe Gates also is finding  out by word of mouth or a lack of social media contact that "friends" in her close elite circle have cut her off, shunned her, stopped talking to her because of the covid jab harms.

She doesn t read about it in the Gates controlled media.

As the daughter of a Billionaire and grad from Stanford in biology, Phoebe s circle of friends includes, we can be sure, almost exclusively children of the very well heeled and well connected and well educated elite. Some of her friends who have cut her off may have relatives who are judges, prosecutors, lawyers etc who can put them in prison with relatively little effort if the public backs them as it plainly does.

We are talking about a cross section of the general population.

Her friends, presumably, include graduates in biology who are very well able to distinguish between "vaccine rumours" and "vaccine facts" and read the research and clinical studies.

For Phobe to dismiss her friends as people who want to escape the realities of life and lack resolute information is a bad move when she is facing prison along with her faither and her misleading claims will be produced as evidence against her.

For Bill to do the same is the height of folly for these media articles can be used in court against them as the ultimate proof of their lack of repentance.

From media

"All the time," she said, adding candidly, "I've even had friends cut me off because of these vaccine rumours."

During the COVID-19 pandemic, there were unsubstantiated rumours the whole thing was a ploy so Bill could put microchips in vaccines to track people

A Stanford graduate with a degree in human biology, Phoebe shared that social media played a part in blowing the misinformation about health out of proportion, telling her father facts and logic are not as important to those on social media, who are on there to find an escape from the realities of life.

She added that these conspiracy theories come from a place of fear, with the lack of resolute information about the new disease causing panic.

"The pandemic was definitely social media at its worst, oversimplifying things," said Bill.

"I need to learn more," he admitted, "because I naively still believe that digital communication can be a force to bring us together, to have a reasonable debate."

In 2024, Alex Jones is a threat to the WEF elite because he is misleading them day in, day out, and his flawed analysis are a reason by the WEF elite keep getting caught off guard.

It s over for the WEF elite, for the Gates family, for the Soros and Buffett family.

The elite Stanford and other pals of Phoebe Gates are not going to accept they give them and their families and friends poison jabs and get away with it.

They are not going to accept conscription into an army from a government controlled by Billionaires who have given them poison jabs.

They are not going to accept CBDC.

It is Alex Jones and his same old, same old guests who keep the WEF elite in the delusion they will, who are now fear mongering about viruses when the globe in 2024 knows it is the experimental vaccines which are lethal.

When he hammers his desk and talks about the need to keep trying to kill Trump until the WEF succeed, he is talking to an audience of 20 years ago, a small audience, isolated and with no power and no idea of the big picture.

It s no coincidence that Alex Jones uses the same tactics of Saul Alinksy as Obama and the WEF elite.

"Barack Obama’s admiration for Saul Alinsky and Hillary Clinton’s thesis on his methods are no coincidence. Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”—specifically, Rule 8 (Keep the pressure on) and Rule 13 (Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it)—have been adopted as strategies by those who seek to manipulate and control political narratives."

To target Trump, freeze Trump, personalize Trump and polarize Trump as the political opposition to the Dems and the WEF elite Billionaires and to keep trying to assassinate him misusing the secret services when the broad American public knows in 2024 who is behind these attempts to deprive them of democracy, is a sure path for the Billionaires to prison and likely Alex Jones. Who knows what his bank accounts will show up?

Similarly, to target a reporter, freeze a reporter, personalize a reporter and polarize a reporter trying to warn the public with facts leaving a trial of evidence when the broad American and global public knows in 2024 and can use the proofs is counter productive.

It is the ultimate proof of their criminal scheme and way to put them in prison.

With that much evidence, Americans do not need money to put the Gates, Soros, Buffett family in prison.

They do not need to pay crooked lawyers a fortune.

For the Gates, Soros system of bribing lawyers is now also well known.

Americans can put Phoebe, Rory and Jenn in prison it themselves or get their local governor and AG to do it using political or even family pressure as her network probably has parents in powerful positions. 

The 100s of billions of the Gates, Soros and Buffett family will be a drop in the ocean to pay for the covid jab harms they have caused.

They will be lucky to avoid death row.

For sure, the Gates family will go down in history as one of the most cold, calculating, wicked, evil, and dare I say it, stupid in family.

Look at ChatGPT!

If it turns out Alex Jones has financial ties to them, so will he and his pals like Steve Bannon.

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