Tuesday 17 September 2024

Why does Trump go to Michigan to campaign when simply telling the US public about the Greek prosecutor probes and exposing Dem mega donors Soros, Gates, Buffett will win the election?

Trump will go to Michigan on Tuesday to attend a Town Hall in the swing state.


A bizarre decision when you consider that two clear assassination attempts have just been made on him and that by publicizing and informing the US public about the Greek prosecutor probes and the corruption of the Soros, Gates, Trump and his team can take down the entire Biden, Harris administration and win the election in one day and get these dangerous Billionaires arrested.


Republicans, State Govs and AGs have to ask themselves if they want to allow their lives and the lives of the American public to be put at risk by Trump and his radical failure to put these powerful Billionaires controlling the Biden, Harris administration at trisk any longer, and start taking the intiative and filing the charges, getting the Billionaires arrested, their Foundations closed, their assets seized today and informing the US voters of the crimes of Soros, Gates and Buffett in Greece.

These crimes against a reporter are not happening in a parallel world which does not concern the Trumps, Tucker, John Roberts, Jim Jordan. They are happening in the same world as they live in. They show the Billionaires are determined to use every criminal method and corrupt government to eliminate, destroy a reporter trying to warn the American public about a dangerous jab also.

The public SHOULD be informed of them. The voters SHOULD be told about these crimes.

These Billionaires have killed and made sick millions of Americans thanks to the paralysis of justice and politicians. They have looted America to the point where the dollar is about to hyperinflate.

They know they are going to prison if anything resembling a semi competent and honest or even self serving politician takes action in the USA.

They are not going to stop at killing Trump, Tucker, John Roberts, Jim Jordan.

The priority has to be to put them in prison.

If Trump and his cotrie of Laura Loomer and cannot grasp that even now, others must step up and uphold the law for their protection and the protection of America.

The alternative may be civil war and the total collapse of the USA if they succeed in killing Trump or martial law and WW3.

Those outside Trump s circle must take action. They cannot rely on him or his family to have good judgment. They didn t even notice his lawyers were bribed.

They cannot let the Trump s failures endanger and destroy the USA. Who knows what guilty secrets the Trumps have to hide and why they keep trying to bury these proofs? Innocent people who are the target of the same crimes as a reporter defend the reporter, expose the crimes.

But let s not forget, Steve Bannon was caught as a Soros, Gates agent in the Greek probes.

Steve Bannon is the lynchpin in an entire al right media embracing Alex Jones, Steve Kirsch, the Epoch Times, Reiner Fuellmich, Vasiliki Souleimanova, Peter McCullough, Philip Kruse.

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