Tuesday 3 September 2024

Email to Robert F Kenndy Jr to do all Americans and globe a service by putting Soros, Gates, Buffett and Bourla on trial using the gold standard Greek official probes and corruption



Dear Robert F Kennedy Jr,

Mark Zuckerberg s admission to Congress that Facebook censored covid information on the orders of the White House has been described as a "peek" into the greatest scandal of our times," by some commentators.


But there is perhaps an even bigger censorship scandal.

This scandal concerns the way Billionaires George and Alex Soros as well as Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett and their family Foundations enlisted politicians and corrupted judges to escape trial in 2015,2016 for trying to de facto murder a science reporter, who has written for Nature and the British Medical Journal


 to prevent informed consent to the special class of emergency use epidemic disease jabs to which Ebola, covid and mpox belong.

These Billionaires escaped trial in 2015, 2016 only by orchestrating the corruption of justice in Greece using tools in the highest political office including Greek Prime Ministers Alexis Tsipras and Kyriakos in Greece who have been caught misusing their political office to serve their private interests and advance the criminal schemes of the Billionaires as part of a cash for favours arrangement.

We are talking about the corruption of state, government prosecutor probes!!! This is not some private legal action.

The crimes the Billionaires organized against an honest reporter simply for warning the public are hideous, depraved and include a violent assault and battery, theft, slander and the bribery of a lawyer are documented in official police and prosecutor probes.

When caught as part of the official investigation by state prosecutors, the Billionaires went one step further than corrupting justice all the way up to the Supreme Court level in Greece. They misused the law to retaliate and turn Greek judges and police into their hired private prison guards and killers.

The proofs are not publicized by media or the social media, showing the extent of the censorship of the Billionaires and their control. In fact,my few social media accounts on Twitter, X and Blogger have been removed, deleted or blocked.

These official proceedings in Greece and their corruption are everything you need to apply to a federal judge to put these Billionaires and Foundation managers in pretrial detentions, close their Foundations and freeze their assets. This, to neutralize their capacity to retalitate as their trials proceed. The investigation can  be expanded to prosecute and convict them and their associates in pharmaceutical companies and government in a criminal covid jab scheme.

Crucially, the crimes against a reporter to undermine informed consent are ongoing. Repeated requests to have the violations corrected and uphold the law have been met with a calculated silence by the Soros and Gates Foundation and their political tools in Greece and the USA, specifically the Biden administration, precisely in order for the Billionaires to be able to continue with their crime spree against a reporter with impunity. 

It is within the power of the Billionaires and their associates to correct today all the  violations they introduced to escape justice, to deliver to me the official paper work and give me justice including compensation. They are deliberately refusing to do so as part of an ongoing de facto murder attempt which failed in 2015 and which they have sought to repeat enlisting corrupted police and prosecutors precisely because their intention is to continue undermining informed consent, to continue escaping justice for their covid jab censorship and for the harms the jabs have caused,

The Gates and Soros family members as well as Warren Buffett, co chair of the BMGF until 2021 and still a key funder, together with their Foundation staff are, in fact, caught in the act of premeditated, first degree murder attempt against a reporter to undermine informed consent.

The fact the unrepentant Billionaire are caught in the act is why it is possible  for you to make an emergency application for arrest warrants against the Billionaires and their associates. Protecting the life of a reporter is also a valuable thing.

For a relatively small sum of money, you can get court certified translations of all the official Greek prosecutor probes and subpoena missing documents, such as the ruling to E 17 378 from the Greek government which I was refused in violation of all my rights precisely because it is more proof of the corruption of the judges. If there are other documents a federal judge wants to issue the arrest warrants against the US citizens, the Gates, Soros family members and Warren Buffett for organizing crimes in Greece to prevent informed consent to covid and other jabs in the USA, I am sure they can be organized quickly.

The proofs are so clear that the speedy conviction of the Billionaires and their associates are assured in any trial following due process.

You can obtain trillions in fines for the victims of the covid jabs from the Billionaires and their associates in Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson and Johnson.

The public will be shocked and horrified at the personal depravity of the Soros and Gates families and their associates such as Albert Bourla and Kyriakos Mitsotakis and the Biden White House when they hear all the details of the crimes against me, which they organized against a reporter simply for being honest.

The proofs can, moreover, be the starting point for an investigation into the role of Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Kamala Harris and other politicians in the USA and abroad in the overarching epidemic disease criminal scheme.

Please see the email below to Kamala Harris and her team at the White House asking for her to intervene to end this crime spree.

I am still waiting for a reply and for material action to uphold justice and protect the free media from Kamala Harris and her team, although it is an urgent matter and about two weeks have passed since I sent her and her team the summary. At what point does her silence become complicity in the crimes?

I believe the American voters have a right to know that the major donor of the Democrat Party, Alex and George Soros, are ordinary sense criminals engaged in heinous corruption before the elections in November. They have a right to know a vote for Kamala Harris may be just a vote for more corruption and crimes against them, the American public, by politicians running for office under false pretences.

This is not a Democrat or Republican issue. It is a non partisan issue.

Justice, reason and the noble tools of the law can be used to make not just America safer, but the entire globe.

The trials will help unite America and also serve to inform the public about the magntitude of threat to public health that pharmaceutical companies and private Billionaires pose to the public health and so promote laws that ensure such a crime is never repeated.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Jane Burgermeister

Larisa, Greece


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