Wednesday 25 September 2024

Ryan Routh possessed the secret details of all of Trump s schedule from August to October, strongly suggesting an inside job, also encouraged Iranians to kill Trump

Ryan Routh may be in a position to take down the Harris, Biden administration as wel as its mega donors Soros or the Gates family by revealing certain facts as to how, for example, he came to have such a detailed knowledge of Trumps whereabouts to be able to position himself to nearly kill him and where he got the money from also to offer a 150 K bounty.

Iranians may have been recruited by Routh and his circle to kill Trump, fulfilling a plan he publicized.

Routh did not have the money to pay the 150 K bounty or hire Iranians. He was clearly acting as part of a conspiracy funded by a wealthier higher up.

Now that he has been charged with attempted assassination and not a much lighter crime of gun possession, Routh may be more willing to talk and cut a plea deal.

Routh seems to have reckoned with escaping. The prospect of a life time in prison may focus his mind on how powerless his handlers really are and how foolish he was to believe any promises of immunity and make him willing to cooperate  in unravelling what is clearly a conspiracy involving either the Secret Service and FBI or Trump insiders. 

There is no other explanation how Routh could obtain the secret details of Trump s schedule from August to October.

His or his daughters bank accounts or phone records may reveal a direct financial or geographical link to powerful Billionaires, their controlled MSM  or even the Harris campaign itself.

The sudden arrest of his son, Oran, on child pornography charges may be a warning to him not to talk, speculates Zerohedge.

It could be that Ryan Routh has similar child pornography files on his computer which can be used against him to increase his sentence.

He may also face being Epsteined in prison because dead men do not talk.

Now attempted assassination charges have been filed by the Feds, the Trump family can get a grip on the evidence and the process by filing their own charges and by becoming a party to the  Fed andFlorida case and submitting requests for evidence and people to question including Ron Rowe, Chris Wray, Mayorkas and Harris.

No need for crooked lawyers or huge legal bills. They can take charge of the case and learn a lot about how the law works in the process which will stand them all good in the future.

From media

If one assumes (according to the evidence from the last two shooting attempts) that insider participation in the assassination is a reality, then it's fair to ask if Ryan Routh was blackmailed into the murder by someone who had knowledge of his son's activities.  Was he trying to prevent his son's arrest?

Or, could the CP charges against his son be a way to keep Ryan Routh quiet about who might have helped him with Trump's location that day?  In other words "Look what we can do to your family if you say anything..."

Was Routh supposed to escape that day?  His recent internet history indicated he was planning a route from Palm Beach to Mexico.  He was only caught because a bystander took a photo of his vehicle and license plate as he sped away.  Perhaps his arrest has thrown a monkey wrench into the plans of other interested parties?  

One would expect him to run into a Jack Ruby situation before very long, but in the meantime his son is now a factor in this strange equation. 

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