Wednesday 25 September 2024

Trump can win women voters from all across America by standing up for a reporter who tried to warn women of the risks of the covid jabs and putting Gates, Soros, Harris behind bars

When American women find out what Gates, Soros, Buffett as well as their political tools Harris did to a female reporter in Greece just for trying to warn them about the risks of the covid jabs, which have been linked to deaths, cancers, strokes, heart attacks and miscarriages in women, they will abandon the Democrat party and insist on the maximum penalty.

Women s health and children s health have been among the biggest victims of the covid jab scheme.

When women find out what bullies, thugs, vicious liars the Dem mega donors Gates and Soros are, personally ordering and sanctioning the physical assault, slander, imrpisonment, torture, theft and other crimes against a female science reporter, as well as corruption to cover the crimes up and repeat them in Greece, and that Kamala Harris and Biden know all about these crimes against a women areporter and still accept their donations and endorsements, and allow their crimes to continue, they will not vote Democrat. 

Trump has an obligation to inform the women of the USA about the true record of the Biden, Harris admin and their Dem and corporate mega donors.

Voters have a right to know. They should vote fully informed.

Trump can do more than inform voters. He can put the Billionaire menaces in prison and get 100s of billions in compensation for their jab victims.

He will be seen as a champion for women s rights, for freedom of speech and the rule of law.

And he will help keep his own family permamently safe.

For there is little doubt who is behind the illegal lawfare and stand downs by security to allow assassination attempts.

Kamala Harris campaign gave a 468 K donation to the daughter of Judge Merchan in July!

That 468 K came directly or indirectly from Dem mega donor Alex and George Soros and their WEF pals.

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