Monday 23 September 2024

French can thwart Macron s coup over democracy by a no confidence vote in his WEF crony government picks, force Macron to resign for violating his duties as a president

 Violating his duties as president which is to allow the party which won the election to advnce to form a government under its chosen leader, Macron has staged a de facto coup by insisting on appointing a WEF elite crony Michel Barnier as Prime Minister.

Barnier, in turn, as filled Cabinet Ministers with more WEF cronies. 

His chosen team seeem to be only nominally members of  his conservative Republicans (LR) party and members of Macron’s centrist alliance. In reality, they have almost certainly be chosen to ensure the French do not get the politicians and policies they voted for and the WEF elite continue to maintain control of the government administration.

By a no confidence vote, the French parties can thwart the overthrow of parliamentary democracy by Macron and Bariner and assert the right of the voters  and their elected parties to advance to form a government and present their personnel and their policies. 

The French voted for Jean Luc Melenchton and the left, not for Macron and Barnier. Their vote, in fact, should have led to the resignation of Macron as president because his party lost so much support.

Now is the time for the French to force Macron to resign along with Barnier and his Quisling government.

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