Friday 13 September 2024

The new Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos? Sam Altman continues to mislead investors on the prospects of ChatGPT,, AI, also subject to the scientific rule which says all life comes from life "Omne vivum ex vivo"

 Louise Pasteuer s experiments proved that no living thing comes spontaneously from dead matter 

He  formulated a scientific principle which is sometimes called the law of biogenesis in Latin 

Omne vivum ex vivo or All life comes from life.

Alas, Sam Altman probably thinks Pasteur is a type of beer to drink and Omne vivum ex vivo is a Swiss watch.

That level of ignorance may be okay unless you are misleading investors and wasting billions of dollars with false claims about AI like Altman is doing.

Fortunately, US media is now critically evaluating the claim of Altman that Chat GPT will ever be capable of "learning concepts", thinking and intentionality.

ChatGPT is just an elaborate lnaguage based statistical machine whose results depend on its data base (which may or may not itself by wildly inaccurate) and whatever sentences it produces have no  claim to be predict the future or to think.

It is a non living piece of computer hardware which can never spontaneously turn into a living thing no matter how many statistical operations it performs.

Life  and living  or animate things and non life and inanimate things are qualitively two entirely differently classes of things like rocks and polar bears are different types of things.

A rock can never sponanteously turn into a bear, a seagull, a penguin, a fish. Likewise, the metals based computer circuits and chips of ChatGPT can never spontaneously turn into a human being or a living brain or mind with intentionality, reflection, consciousness.

It is a priori impossible. Omne vivum ex vivo.

Altman needs to come clean with investors and tell them the truth that CHAT is a statistical machine which crunches words rather than numbers nand it crunches the words according to mere grammar rules and to the often arbitrary other rules of formal language.

It will never spontaneously become "intelligence" and "learn concepts" or defy the rule of omne vivum ex vivo.

Otherwise, Altman might soon be accused of  intentionally misleading investors like Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos. Billions are being poured into a statistical machine because investors are lured into believe this machine will someone spontaneously become a living being, capable of intelligence just by doing the same statistical operations often enough when it will not. Ever.,scale%20of%20the%20companys%20profits.

From media

Altman, Oprah’s first interview of the night, made the questionable case that today’s AI is learning concepts within the data it’s trained on.

“We are showing the system a thousand words in a sequence and asking it to predict what comes next,” he told Oprah. “The system learns to predict, and then in there, it learns the underlying concepts.”

Many experts would disagree.

AI systems like ChatGPT and o1, which OpenAI introduced on Thursday, do indeed predict the likeliest next words in a sentence. But they’re simply statistical machines — they learn data patterns. They don’t have intentionality; they’re only making informed guesses.

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