Tonights debate as an opportunity to inform the public about the crimes of Dem donors Alex, George Soros in Greece, ask Kamala Harris to distance herself from Soros donations


Jane Burgermeister

14:25 (0 minutes ago)
to Kevin.

Dear Donald Trump,

First of all, may I say I am glad Judge Merchan delayed your sentencing in the hush money trial until after the election given the political nature of these proceedings as discussed in my email forwarded.

The purpose of this email is to ask you to bring up the facts during your debate with Kamala Harris tonight facts showing that the mega donors of the Democrat Party, Alex and George Soros, have used their cash and influence to corrupt the Greek government and justice system and escape trial for major crimes against a reporter, a graduate of Edinburgh University, who has written for Nature, the British Medical Journal among other publications.

I ask you to insist that Kamala Harris publicly takes a stand on the question of whether she will continue to accept money and endorsements from the Soros family given the proofs that they seek political influence to carry out ordinary sense crimes.

I sent her a details via various White House email channels. She has a responsibility to be informed about such a serious matter.

Does Kama Harris think it is okay for Alex and George Soros to organize that a female reporter is beaten up in Greece? Has her money stolen? Is defamed, slandered as a tactic to destroy the reputation, livelihood and future just for trying to give the public accurate warnings about the covid jabs?

Has her lawyer bribed to hide the proofs against Soros and Gates when the police open a probe? Does she feel any shame as a woman to support billionaires who organize that a reporter is beaten and assaulted, imprisoned and nearly murdered, defamed and convicted of a felony in Greece just for trying to warn the Americans about the risks of covid, Ebola and mpox jabs and of the Billionaires crimes? Harris is supposed to be an advocate for women's rights, no?

Please ask her, Mr Trump, if her advocacy for women s rights stops when it is a woman who is a victim of the crimes of her mega donors Alex and George Soros and Melinda Gates as well as Warren Buffett? A victim of the vicious assault they organized document by a Greek police doctor, of vicious threats to hide evidence of their election theft in Austria?
Please ask her does the media which promotes her not report on these crimes in Greece against an honest, bona fida science reporter? Is it because that media is also funded by her mega donors, the Soros, Gates family?

You yourself have now been convicted for a felony offense for no crime and  using the very same method of corrupted prosecutors in New York which is documented in the Greek probes show.

Kamala Harris will seek to capitalize on your false conviction as a felon for political reasons in order to win votes.

You were accused for trying to influence the election by organizing hush money payments to Stormy Daniels as part of the trumped up charges and irregular trial which resulted in your conviction.

You can, and I believe, must, inform the American public that there is a scheme by the Soros family to buy politicians to serve their private, criminal interests.

Kamala Harris and the top Democrat leadership is seeking to influence the election and to hide, conceal from the public the very sinister activities of their mega donors by refusing to distance themselves from the Soros family despite being informed of the proofs of their corruption.
I have no doubt the American public will not vote for Harris when they know there are prosecutor probes in Greece that show that perhaps her biggest supporters, Alex and George Soros, corrupted prosecutors to escape trial for trying to murder a reporter in 2015,2016 to undermined informed consent to Ebola, covid and other experimental jabs, and to retaliate against the reporter.

These probes give a context to the  conviction and the lawfare which you have been subjected to and will help the American public to understand you are actually the victim of a system of lawfare and a method used both to eliminate me a a reporter, and to eliminate you, as  political opposition to the Democrat Party, and so influence and even overthrow elections and democracy in the USA by the Soros family and their political allies in office.
Informing the American public will win applause from from the left and right. Whether Americans can give informed consent to the covid jabs is not a political issue. It is a public health issue affecting everyone.

You can do more than inform the public.

It is within your power to arrange the arrest of Alex and George Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates, who also endorses Kamala Harris, as well as Warren Buffett, a long time Democrat supporter by using international law and the state prosecutor proofs in Greece.

The proofs are so strong, and the crime is ongoing, that Alex and George Soros, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett can be put in pretrial detention today.
You can ask a US Attorney General  to take over the prosecutor of these US citizens for their crimes abroad to influence American public health and covid policy.
When the public see these Democrat donors behind bars and realize it is not because of lawfare but because they have committed ordinary sense crimes against a reporter to stop them giving their informed consent to covid and other jabs, they will applaud you for protecting them and upholding justice against these unrepentant Billionaires.

When the public see that the crimes documented in the prosecutor probes from 2016 include election fraud, they will understand that you are right to be worried about election fraud in November.

There is a precedent. There is a method in the background to steal elections.

Someone needs to stand up to these unrepentant Billionaires. You can do it, Mr Trump.

You can show that you side with the American public against big Billionaires and big money out to make a fast buck at the expense of people s health.
You can show yourself to be a champion of free speech by standing up for  a little reporter who has done of this for the public interest.

You can highlight the crimes against me to hide ELECTION fraud in Austria in 2016 and in 2023.

The Greek prosecutor probes provide perhaps unique proof of a system of election fraud by Soros, Gates and Buffett as you can read in the submission, involving Austria and spanning eight years.

George Soros is closely tied to Austria. He was made an honorary citizen of Vienna in 2019.

Nothing could be more important during this election than preventing election fraud.

You can expose the Democrat leadership for what it seems to be, namely, a mafia working as a seamless unit with Billionaires to defraud and harm Americans also of their votes.

Not only can you do all that, Mr Trump, for the American public, for voters on the right and lef By placing these Billionaires at the very top of the so called "WEF or Globalist" command and control in pretrial detention, you can ensure the safety of yourself and of your wife, children and grandchildren.
You can pave the way for a safe and effective administration, for obtaining compensation for covid jabs victims from the Soros, Gates, Buffett family and big pharma and also for big policy changes, like changing the Federal Reserve to enable it to finance the federal deficit and tax costs without increasing the national debt.

The Greek prosecutor probes are also the starting point for investigating the Biden, Obama administration and also Kamala Harris. What did she know?
Some questions you can ask Kamala Harris  tonight at the debate are

⦁ Will she distance herself from the Soros family and their donations given their crimes and corruption in Greece?

⦁ Will she continue to accept money and endorsements from Billionaires caught in the act of corrupting politicians and justice officials to murder a reporter for warning the American public about the risks of the covid jabs?

⦁ Does she think it is okay for Alex and George Soros to organize that a female reporter is beaten up in Greece? Has bruises recorded by the police after an assault and murder attempt organized by the Billionaires?  Has her lawyer bribed to hide the proofs  in official proceedings that it  wasSoros and Gates who personally organized these crimes when the police open a probe? Does she feel any shame as a woman to support billionaires who organize that a female reporter is beaten and assaulted on the behest of her mega donors, the Soros family and Melinda Gates, smeared defamed, slandered, sentence to prison illegally just for trying to warn the Americans about the risks of covid, Ebola and mpox jabs? Harris is supposed to be an advocate for women s rights, no?
⦁ Will she continue to stonewall and be silent over these crimes of Soros and so allow them to continue and Soros to continue to fund her campaign without the public realizing a cash for favours scam may be at stake?

What does she know about it? What did Biden and Obama know about it? Were US government offcials involved in this corruption like Geoffrey Pyatt?

⦁ Why has she not made a public announcement about this scandal since she has been informed by me about the prosecutor proofs?

⦁ Does she intend to prosecute Soros and Gates and Buffett for their crimes against a reporter and all Americans? Or  will you, Mr Trump, have to do it?

⦁ Why does the media which promotes her not report on these crimes in Greece against an honest, bona fida science reporter?

If Kamala Harris wants to claim the proofs are a conspiracy theory, then please insist that she brief herself on them accurately before she makes false and misleading statements because deceiving the public to influence the election may be a criminal offence for which she must answer along with the Soros, Gates and Buffett families.

Please do not accept any of her partisan, biased, self serving spin and false claims concerning these proofs from her during the debate.
These are gold standard, international legal, official, prosecutor proofs of crimes in Greece and corruption which are the best way to put these Billionaire Dem donors  in prison today and expose the criminal network funding the Democrat Party.

The crimes of the Billionaires against a reporter, a woman, a honest person just trying to warn them for no financial gain are frankly, stomach churning, heinous and reveal Soros, Gates and Buffett to be anything but philanthropists. Even hardened mafia would be ashamed to organize crimes like that against a woman reporter, I might guess.

The Americans will want justice, accountability, transparency.

They want fair and free elections.

They will want to see Alex Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett behind bars when they hear the truth about their crimes against a female reporter including brutal and savage beatings organized by them as documented by police before the probe was corrupted. These crimes happened in 2015 and since then, the unrepentant billionaires have never stopped trying to defame, murder, imprison and destroy me using lawfare and corrupted justice officials.
By bringing this subject up at the debate tonight, Mr Trump, you can ensure the public understands why  a vote for Harris is a vote against their own interests, a vote for a corrupt mafia seeking to control parties for their private interests.

You can also help all Americans towards a safer and better  future.

It will put an end once and for all to the anyway failing pandemic scams organized by Bill Gates and Soros, including the mpox criminal scheme.

On a final note, I have no doubt you will win so disastrous is the record of the Harris, Biden administration on covid jab mandates, inflation, the Gaza genocide and Ukraine war.  But the proofs of a system of election fraud in Austria by Soros in the Greek prosecutor probes will ensure there is no theft in November.

Good luck tonight.

Kind regards

Jane Burgermeister

Larisa, Greece