Wednesday 25 September 2024

Has the penny dropped? Bill Gates finds New Yorkers stop and and stare at him with undisguised hostility when he buys a hot dog protected by high security No cheering crowds for the USA s number 1 Supervillian!

Bill Gates has left his tech bubble and ventured onto Times Square surrounded by security guards perhaps for the first time in years.

He stopped to buy a hot dog ,soliciting ice cold and hostile attention from the crowds around.

Perhaps his staff in his Foundation has been telling him his multi billion dollar marketing campaign has worked. He really is seen as a genius, a nerd, the Dad, who has saved 100s of millions of lives in statistical models by the American public.

Peohaps his sycophantic staff at his Foundation have been telling him that people who report accurate facts about the covid jabs eally are seen as the crazy ones, the evil ones, the gold diggers, the fame hunters, the weirdos, which he has spent billions misbranding them as, by the public.

Perhaps Bill Gates sealed in a bubble of technology, believing his flawed ChatGPT s predictions, wrapped up in luxury believed them.

His brief outing to the real world and visit to Times Square  will have opened his eyes.

When he stepped out onto Times Square, Bill Gates will have gotten some sense of just how little adulation there is for him. No cheering crowds, no clapping people. No waves, no friendliness.

Passers by stopped and stared and with undisguised hostility and ice cold dislike. Some took a picture as if seeking to capture on camera the moment they came across America s number 1 Supervillian to show their families and friends.

As he became aware of the large numbers of passers by stopping to gaze at a mega sized soon to be put on trial, and take pictures of him, and as he saw how vigilant his security team had to be to keep the public at a distance of a few metres, the reality may have started to sink on him that he is America s number 1 supervillian along with Soros and co as his daughter Phoebe warned him.

Gates does not seem to reason abstractly. The fundamental flaw of his Chat GPT AI is that it is not capable of abstract reasoning. His Chat GPT model processes and orders isolated data points according to mere grammar rules. 

ChatGPT could not even do maths let alone syllogistic logic because Chat was not even aware, as Gates was not aware when he programmeed it,  that there is such a thing as abstract reasoning as a method of obtaining knowledge, and that no knowledge is obtained by the mere aggregation of isolated date points.

When Gates saw the hostile people stopping to stare at him in cold, grey New York, his brain may have finally processed that there are  a huge number of hostile data points waiting to put him on trial for his covid jab lies and harms to 270 million Americans, yes, every American was affected.

Seeing real world people in an almost real world setting for 2 minutes may have opened his eyes to public opinion.

Yes, he is recognized, widely recognized, recognized by almost every fourth person just walking by on a busy square. And yes, he is the object of almost universal scorn and hostility.

The public knows what he has done. His false marketing campaign has failed. His censorship campaign has failed because it was also directed at isolated data points when the public can reason abstractly and draw general conclusions in their minds, which cannot be censored electronically.

Many of the passers by who stopped to stare at Gates will know people who were injured or died from the jab or been injured themselves.

These victims do think abstractly. They can abstract a pattern. They can reason things through and reaches generalized conclusions unlike Gates himself.

In 2015, Gates actually recommended a book on how to lie with statistics.

And that is what his statistical claims are the covid jabs saved lives amount to. Lies. They will be exposed as such in any court. He has no defence to explain the millions of Excess Deaths, especially not among Republican voters in Florida and Ohio.

Clearly, the Soros, Gates, Buffett, all Dem supporters and donors to some degee, organized their covid scam to achieve political goals,including the overthrow of democracy.

They targetted the states where voters rejected the covid lockdowns and jab mandates with batches of jabs which were especially high risk, producing  a vast excess death rate among their political opponents, the Republican voters and weakening the Republican Governors, who lifted the covid lockdowns he wanted so much.

In 2020, he even told CNN he was disappointed he did not get away with locking down the USA as he had hiped.

His crimes in relation to covid jabs are not a conspiracy theory but a conspiracy fact documented since 2014 at least in Greece and ongoing, opening the door to his immediate arrest, pretrial detention and the maximum penalty for first degree premeditated murder along with his associates. 

Whatever you think about Alex Jones, he has a right to free speech.

Gates should listen to the cheers Jones and Tucker got in Pennslyvania when talking about the awakening to the WEF elite. Imagine Gates had chosen to go there instead of to Times Square!

Gates needs to go one step further than test the public mood by venturing onto Times Square with high security to keep the public away, and start lawyering up.

It may be painful to face reality but trials are better than finding himself suddenly surrounded not by passers by who stop but by passers by who join together to get justice watched (approvingly) by the local police...

The same goes for Alex and George Soros, Warren Buffett, and very soon Albert Bourla, Musk, Harris and Walz, Clinton and Obama. 

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