Tuesday 17 September 2024



Ryan Wesley Routh, the suspect in the assassination attempt of former  Trump, was lying in wait for nearly 12 hours along the tree line at Trump’s golf club in West Palm Beach, according to his mobile phone records, strongly suggeting that he had inside information.

The obvious involvement of the Biden, Harris administration in the assassination attempts as well as in lawfare is rapidly becoming a huge scandal.

Martin County Sheriff Will Snyder suggested there may be an “ominous” wider “conspiracy” at play regarding yesterday’s suspect in the attempted assassination of Trump given that the gunman appeared to know Trump’s private schedule.


Mike Pompeo has said the Secret Service made exactly the same mistakes as they did during first Trump asassination attempt as part of a "systemic failure" or stand down.


Routh took up his position in the bushes in middle of the night at around 1 59 am on Sunday but was spotted at 1 31 pm just minutes before Trump was set to appear at the end of the fairway of the 6th hole, suggesting knowledge and determination.

A Secret Service agent saw his rifle poking out from a tree line and opened fire and Routh fled.

The position used by Routh  was also used by paparazi and the media, writes The Telegraph.

The location where alleged would-be assassin Ryan Routh spent up to 12 hours is regularly made use of by photographers and paparazzi - raising fresh questions for Donald Trump’s security detail.

Reports said the spot on the edge of Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, where Mr Routh was spotted, was well known.

“There have been previous individuals who have taken pictures of the former president while he’s golfing,” Dave Aronberg, the state attorney for the 15th Judicial Circuit, which covers Palm Beach County, told Fox News.

“They’ve gone through the shrubs and been able to poke a camera through the fencing.”

Meanwhile, The New York Post said a number of paparazzi, some of them employed by the paper, often took up positions around the course in order to get a picture of Mr Trump playing golf or else being driven in a golf cart.

Typically, they make themselves known to US Secret Service agents on duty to ensure they are not mistaken for a security threat.


The location offered the sniper a perfect opportunity to shoot Trump from about 400 yards as he walked down to the putting green of the 6th hole, about 30 yards from the sniper, and then to escape by fleeing across the unguarded road to his car.

The fact that Routh knew the best location to hide is not surprising when we consider he was a contact of the NYT, FT, Newsweek and other media who had featured him in interviews, videos and someone inside the media could have tipped him off.


The average pro Ukraine zealot and lone wolf from Hawaii does not know the perfect position to take a shot at Trump on his West Palm golf course and  does not have inside information as to when Trump will be on the golf course  as Routh apparantly had to position himself just at the right spot at the right time.

Only someone pretty sure that Trump is going to show up will wait 12 hours in bushes to take a shot at Trump.

The question is how did Routh know to go to the golf course at that time and wait for 12 hours when Trump s visit to his golf course was not on his public schedule, acting U.S. Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe told reporters on Monday afternoon?

He must have had inside information.  Did Rowe tell him? 

How did Roth know the golf course would not be swept before Trump went out to play and that a mere detail would be sent to walk ahead of him one hole at a time, offering him the opportunity to shoot Trump?


The big question is who told Routh where Trump would be?

From The Telegraph

How did he know there would be no police along the boulevard allowing him to escape? Without inside information, he would have assumed that when Trump arrived at the club, it was likely that a number of police and secret service vehicles would have surrounded the perimeter for protection.

There are eery parallels to the assassination attempt in Butler where Matthew Crooks also knew how to exploit percisely the vulnerability left by the secret services.

Routh was also very well prepared. He had a super effective AK 47.

Before he fled across a road to his car, Routh appears to have abandoned his rifle with a scope, a GoPro camera and two backpacks with ceramic plates, which may have served as a flak jacket to protect his front and back from shots fired at him if he had assassinated Trump.

He was only identified when he fled by a chance passer by who took a photo of his SUV and captured his license plate.

Routh clearly believed he had a very good chance of escaping unnoticed and used it.

Secret Service didn't learn any lessons from first Trump assassination attempt: Mike Pompeo
Former CIA director Mike Pompeo argues Trump's assassination attempt was a 'systemic failure' of the Secret Service on 'The Story.'


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