Monday 30 September 2024

WEF controlled opposition in Austria wins the election FPO is another puppet party run by the Soros, Gates and their pals Kickl, Le Pen, Meloni

Georgia Meloni, leader of the Italian "far right" party appeared with Klaus Schwab, Albert Bourla, Mitsotakis and Musk at a recent conference telling all you need to know about which side Musk and Meloni are really on.

If anyone has any doubts about who the FPO under Herbert Kickl are under, they should recall the FPO has done just as much as the other parties to help Soros and Gates in Greece deprive me of justice by ensuring I did not receive the help I am supposed to as an Austrian citizen fighting for my fair trial guarantees.

Former Interior Minister Herbert Kickl is a 100% controlled opposition as his record shows as well as his circle like Dagmar Belakowitsch Jenewein who all helped to hold their protective hand over Soros and Gates during the bird flu, swine flu, covid and Ebola schemes and as they tried to kill a reporter trying to warn the Austrian public about this plot.

Their opposition to covid lockdowns and jabs was mere rhetoric.

Their past actions and their omissions to allow the plot to advance since 2009 speak volumes.

The unparty and corrupted establishment wants to give voters the impression they have a choice.

Alas, every single party seems to be controlled even the little ones. That is why we have a de facto totalitarian dictatorship in Europe as the covd lockdowns and jab mandates showed.

So, what choice do Austrians really have? None.

In 2024, quite a lot know this to be the case...

Elon Musk is a dangerous controlled opposition because he can also start disabling EV cars and even satellite links to Americans on the orders of the WEF elite he serves.

Of note, both Zerohedge and Infowars seem to have excluded the fact Bourla and Schwab were at the meeting with Musk and Meloni because they seem to be a part of the controlled media which promotes the controlled opposition 

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