Monday 16 September 2024

Ryan Routh appeard in FT, NYT reports, linked to the Ukraine like the shooter of Robert Fico, had a Russian rifle AK 47 allegedly, had a contract with the Ukraine Ministry of Defence

 Was the Soros, Zelensky regime in Kiev behind the recruitment of Ryan Routh as an assassin for Trump?

Routh attempted to recruit mercenaries for the Kiev regime and also featured prominently in WEF elite media including the FT and NYT.

He used a Russian file, the AK 47, which he may have used in the Ukraine in training or combat.

His website apparantly offered 1,200 USD per month as pay for mercenaries, yet he does not seem to have been a person of any wealth. That suggests he was a front man recrutiing mercenaries in the USA on behalf of private Billionaires who support Zelensky or even for the US government, although he does not seem to have been a government contractor.

Social media report he had a contract with the Ukraine Ministry of Defence.

There is a clear parallel with the shooter of Robert Fico, who also had strong links to the Ukraine.

But Routh s links were much stronger and including appearing at a parade of Ukraine soldiers in Kiev.

Cannot be ruled out, he had a conversation with Zelensky and his circle, can it?

Featiuing in the FT, NYT, Routh was something of a media star or poster boy for the Ukraine war effort.

Here s a question.

Why did he bring two backpacks, including ceramic tiles and a GoPro camera?

Were the ceramic tiles for a flak jacket?

Was the camera sending live feed to someone else who was keeping track of Trump s movements around he golf course?

How did he know Trump would be on the golf course and around that hole at that time?

Did Ronald Rowe leak Trump s schedule? Or Mike Johnson? Or Alex Jones?

How did Alex Jones, pal of Steve Bannon, manage to predict just this assassination attempt after J 13?

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