Tuesday 17 September 2024

Please pray for the enlightenment of the American "elite" in 2024

 May the US escape civil war, the collapse of the dollar into hyperinflation and continue to be a beacon of freedom and democracy in the future.

May God raise up an enlightened, courageous and decisive leaders who do what must done quickly and effectively to imprison the WEF elite Billionaires Soros, Gates, Buffett using gold standard legal proofs in Greece and inform the public of the scandal and so end the election campaign of Harris and the Dems with one stroke.

The scandal will take her down in one day.

The link to the Trump assassinations attempts and lawfare will be clear.  

No more politican debates and Town Halls will be needed. 

The assassination attempts, the lawfare against Trump are all continuous with  the crimes and corruption in Greece  of the mega Dem donors ARE the Ace card, ARE the main attack line, ARE the Alpha and Omega of winning the election for Trump peacefully and setting the US on the path of recovery, ARE THE KEY TO VICTORY in one day.


The alternative is the end of America. If the Billionaires are left in control of the Dem party and WHO, there will be war, civil war, poison jabs conscription,, hyperinflation and mass starvation

Russia and China will buy up West Palm Beach and Manhattan and put Harris, Biden, Soros, Gates and Buffett on trial and one of the counts may be successfully assassinating Trump and his family with the prosecutors pointing to the Russian and Chinese public that is what happens when you do not put criminals in prison and let them run government, and when leaders do not have a back bone or believe in God, who gives people a back bone and the brains and enlightenment to distinguish between what is vital and what is irrelvant.

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