Thursday 19 September 2024

Harris calls Trump a threat to law and democracy when Harris is the threat The American public have the right to know the truth about Harris, Bidens crimes to crush the law, freedom on behalf of Soros, Gates, Buffett


 Elections required informed consent.

If American voters knew that Dem mega donors Soros, Buffett and Gates had corrupted justice in Greece to try to kill a reporter to stop them giving informed consent to the covid jabs they were forced to take and which have caused so much sickness and death, many would likely not vote for Harris or the Dems.

In a sign of how disillusioned the Dem base is with the criminal network superimposed on the party leadership, the powerful Teamsters Union has said it will not back Harris.

After she has been caught giving 468 K to judge Merchans daughter s company, Harris and her mega donor Soros are now directly linked to the corruption of due process in the hush money trial which resulted in Trump being convicted of 34 felony offences for NO crime with the complicity of his bribed lawyers.

If someone can be convicted for 34 felonies for 34 book keeping entries with no crime alleged and a with a suspect witness, then it is possible to convict any American for anything from random bank debits and Amazon purchases to a low score playing golf.

50 years ago, it would have been a no brainer for American politicians and law enforcement to put in prison billionaires who try to kill a reporter and destroy the First Amendment and freedom of speech in a vital public health matter. 

After all, it was Biden and Harris who did their ultmost to ensure that as many Americans as possible were forced to take this covid jab and to ensure the maximum censorship on social media of accurate, fact based warnngs.

People in unions like the Teamsters Union saw the effects at first hand, no doubt. That may have contributed to their decision to back away from supporting Harris and the Dems.

It should not be a difficult decision  in 2024 to put these billionaires in prison for their crimes against a reporter and inform the public about what a vote for Harris really means.

The public has a right to know a vote for Harris means a vote for corruption and a vote for crimes, a vote for the Billionaires who are  looting and harming the public with dangerous jabs.

It means the kind of lawfare corrupted  NY justice officials have carried out against Trump and the kind of assassination attempts against Trump faciliated by the Secret Service.

A vote for Harris means a relentless attack on the rights of Americans, the Constitution and the rule of law.

It may mean the end of democracy.

It may mean more jab mandates, this time for the mpox jab. 

It may mean conscription.

The American voters have a right to know the true facts about the proofs in Greece implicating Soros, Biden and Harris in an attack on them. Because an attack on a reporter is an attack on everyone.

It is not a right or left wing issue. It is a unifying issue.

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