Wednesday 11 September 2024

Can Melania rescue the USA and West? Putin again shows why Russia is now the world s 4th largest economy and about to defeat Ukraine, NATO



No wonder Russia is about to defeat the Ukraine, its economy is booming, it is extending its super bloc alliance with China to more and more brics countries.

Germany s  industry is collapsing due to the high energy prices and policies. Germany is the factory of Europe. Volkswagen, BMW, Mercedes are all considering closing factories and laying off possibly 100s of thousands of workers.

Putin has some brains.

Listen to him talk about the lessons he has learned from Judo about flexibility.

Compare this to the mechanical approach of Western leaders.

Unreal West to paraphrase TS Eliot s The Wasteland.

"Unreal City,

Under the brown fog of a winter dawn,

A crowd flowed over London Bridge, so many,

I had not thought death had undone so many.

Sighs, short and infrequent, were exhaled,

And each man fixed his eyes before his feet.

Flowed up the hill and down King William Street,

To where Saint Mary Woolnoth kept the hours

With a dead sound on the final stroke of nine."

TS Eliot describes a Zombie land, an inner waste land, a spiritual, emotional and intellectual desert.

Trump should go onto a judo mat and fight ten rounds before the next debate. He may learn the hard way that if he fails to use his brains and land the decisive blow, he will be the one lying on the mat with his opponent s foot on his chest.

But he will learn. Right now, Trump is in a bubble filled with advisors who may or may not have his interests at heart but who do not help him to understand he and his family are in a life and death battle as the failed assassination attempt and lawfare show. 

He needs to clear his diary, get down to the essentials, focus on taking down Soros, Gates, Buffett, Harris, Kushner if necessary, focus on that and only on that like a judo player focuses on landing he deadly blow while avoiding the opponents punches.

Judo is about brains not brawn. It s about pyschology, not violence. It s about using an opponents weaknesses against them, toppling them over when they are already unbalanced. It is about flexibility, being in the real world, observing things, learning from mistakes because there is no one to blame in a judo fight for defeat except the person in the fight.

He has far too little sense of economy. In life you get a couple of chances and if you don t use them, then you may not get another. Trump can t afford to keep wasting opportunities and never learning from mistakes. The Trump family cannot afford this attitude. The State Govs and AGs cannot afford this attitude. The American public annot afford this "stupidity" The dollar is about to colllapse. Brains are needed to turn the ship around.

A Slovenian national, Melanis seems to get it. She has taken the initiative and put out her own video on the key issue of the asassination attempt against Trump asking about the stand down.

She didn t waste her video wittering on about irrelevancies or personal attacks on Harris.

She got to the point about a vital, relevant issue. She had a single minded focus. 

Maybe Melania needs to take over the Trump campaign? 

She needs to fire Trump s lawyers, take over his criminal cases, consult with other lawyers, make calls, draw up a plan of legal action, get the filings down.

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