Monday 2 September 2024




Failure of Office of NY AG Lara Merchan, to act on Greek state prosecutor proofs against Soros, Gates in May 2021 undermined informed consent to covid jabs

Dear Letitiia James, New York Attorney General,

Copy to Jim Jordan, House Judiciary Committee Chairman via his Chief of Staff,

At a time when Lara Merchan, the wife of Judge Juan Merchan, was working in your office, in May 2021, I, a science reporter who has written for Nature, the British Medical Journal, The Scientist, The Guardian

sent the New York state attorney generals office an email (attached) outlining proofs in the form of state and government prosecutor probes in Greece capturing Bill and Melinda Gates and the mega donor of the Democtat Party, George and Alex Soros, asthe authors, the brains, the funders of multiple crimes against myself in order to undermine consent by the American public to the special class of experimental vaccines to which Ebola, covid vaccines belong and prevent the exposure of their epidemic disease scheme.

Please see email attached from May 20th, 2021, for example, addressed specifically to you, Letitia James as the NY AG with the press office of the NY AG included in the email.

Please also find an up to date and detailed summary of the state prosecutor proofs in Greece both of the orginal crimes in 2015 as well as of corruption of justice to allow the Democrat mega donors Alex and George Soros to escape trial and even retaliate at the link below.

Please read this document carefully. It relates to state and government official proceedings in Greece and not to a private legal action.

If you have any questions, I am at your service.

Copies of the official government prosecutor proceedings can also be obtained, subpoened from the Greek government.

In my submission to your office in May 2021 about these state proofs, an email which I attach as mentioned, I also emphasized a state, government probe in Greece opened by state Appeals prosecutors, the second highest government prosecutors in Greece, which had the file number E 17 449, and which was opened over censorship crimes sparked by allegations by a Russian journalist based in the Kremlin that Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus and Jared Kushner helped him obtain a visa in 2016 to make a documentary on a plot by Soros and Gates to engineer pandemics for political gain

It must be stressed that the allegations may not be true. The Russian journalist never mentioned Donald Trump. Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus, an archon of the Greek Orthodox Church, and Jared Kushner were mentioned to me by this reporter, whether the allegations were true or not.

And I must add, I was wrong to assume the allegations were true

However, it is a true fact that the very lawyer who sought to miuse corrupted justice officials to put me in prison for this post using criminal methods in 2017, precisely because it triggered the probe E 17 449 by the Appeals prosecutor, works for Soros and Gates as a front for their corruption and lawfare as you can see from the summary of the proceedings in Greece available at the link above.

We are dealing with a system, a system of corrupting justice in Greece to weaponize the law againt innocent people carried out by Soros, Gates with the help of the Biden, Obama administration and White House.

My question to you is as NY AG is why did you not investigate this evidence in May 2021 that I sent you that covid was a criminal scheme run by Soros and Gates with the help of Joe Biden and Barack Obama and that the covid jabs were dangerous? Why did you not make inquiries? Why did you not contact the Greek justice authorities? Ask me for clarifications about official, state proceedings if you had questions? You have a staff of special assistants like Lara Merchan to carry out inquiries? Was she tasked with any job related to my email or the probes?

By failing to take action, to do your job and investigate this evidence of a crime, you and your office, in fact, allowed the covid vaccine campaign and even mandates to advance in the USA, knowing all the while that informed consent was being undermined by ordinary sense crimes in Greece by powerful Billionaires who stood to make a fortune from the scheme, and knowing all the while the jabs were more risky and dangerous than claimed by the Biden White House.

As mentioned, you do have a staff as AG, includings special assisant attorney generals like Lara Merchan, paid by tax payers to review and evaluate emails and identify vital crimes threatening the public health. I sent other emails to you on this subject. The one I attach from May 2021 is just one I sent trying to inform you of facts in state prosecutor probes in Greece showing covid was a criminal scheme and who was behind it.

By your failure to act on official state prosecutor probes in Greece, you are also responsible for allowing a false and misleading advertising campaign about covid jabs being safe and effective to proceed repeating the opioid scandal.

In addition, I would like to ask if Lara Merchan, the wife of Juan Merchan, who was working in your office in May 2021 when I sent this particular email attached, was informed of these proofs against Soros and Gates as your special attorney general assistant?

Can you, please, tell me whether any of her activities or duties included looking at these proofs?

If Lara Merchan was informed of these proofs in Greece in May 2021 when she was working at your office according to her LinkedIn profile, which implicate Soros and Gates in massive crimes and corruption in Greece but also Joe Biden and Barack Obama, this would supply a motive for her and for her husband Juan Merchan, would it not?

The motive would be for Gates and Soros, Biden and associates to find a corrupt judge to use the very lawfare and corruption I describe in Greece but this time in the USA. And, in order to remove, imprison and possibly eventually kill in prison a political opponent, namely Donald Trump.

This, as part of a cash for favour arrangement whereby NY AGs manipulate justice to allow Soros and Gates and the Democrat leadership of Joe Biden and also Kamala Harris to evade justice for their covid jab crimes while targetting those who are exposing those crimes for disporportionate penalties.

As you know, Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments of 100,000 USA of his own money to an adult porn star in a trial overseen by Judge Merchan.

How can Judge Merchan, you and the NY AGs claim to be neutral in this matter?

On the one hand, as we can see, you, Letitita James, and members of your office, including Lara Merchan in May 2021, received vital, relevant evidence in the form of state, government prosecutor probes in Greece from a science reporter of a crime involving Billionaires who fund and endorse the Democrat Party, of an attack on free speech, on a reporter and of a crime impacting the health of millions of Americans. You at the NY AG s office have a professional and legal obligation to protect the lives and health of New Yorkers and to act on credible warnings.

Yet, you did nothing with the state, government proceedings and evidence. You started no investigation as far as I can see, made no inquries, launched no prosecutions, remained inactive for three years as the threat to my life grew and as the covid jab harms increase and grow according to government excess death statistics.

Until this day, you have taken no action and so contribute to the threat to my life as a reporter, who still enjoys no protection from the law because of the corruption of justice by Soros and Gates using political tools.

Is that acceptable? Is it acceptable that I an honest science reporter, a graduate of Edinburgh University, should not only fail to get justice in Greece but be sentenced to prison by corrupt judges working for Soros and Gates for exposing their crimes? Please read the Greek proofs.

On the other hand, you and members of the New York judiciary, including Alvin Bragg and Judge Merchan, use lawfare, similar to that described in the Greek probes, to convict for 34 felonies Donald Trump for giving 100,000 USD of his own money to a consenting adult after he announces he is running for president and prepare to sentence him to prison for no real crime the November elections approaches.

Does this show bias, do you think? Does this show a political agenda? Even former Democrat NY Governor Andrew Cuomo said the hush money trial showed a political agenda and bias.

In the email I sent you in May 2021, I even draw your attention to the possible role of Trump and Kushner in the covid criminal scheme run by Gates and Soros. Yet you did not investigate Trump then for a possibly much greater crime, did you? Was it because you knew then that an investigation into these probes in Greece, also E 17 449, would inevitably lead to the conviction of the Democrat mega donor George and Alex Soros as well as Bill and Melinda Gates and also key politicians and staff in the White House as the brains and funders and exonerate Trump, and you did not want to open that can of worms?

Also, which is more important for you to pursue as AG with a duty to not waste tax payer mone? Should you as NY AG prioritize and spend tax payer money on evidence that Gates and Soros with the help of Democrat leaders, Joe Biden, Barack Obama and others have corrupted justice in Greece to silence an honest reporter to undermine informed consent to covid jabs in USA and so make a socially vital contribution to free speech and public health in New York and the USA?

Or should you spend tax payer money convicting a presidential candidate for no clear crime and certainly for no clear crime with similarly dangerous public health consequences on the basis of doubtful claims for 34 felonies and not just one or two minor civil penalties?

An impartial observer will say you should have used tax money to investigate Gates and Soros and the prosecutor probes in Greece and obtained their conviction long ago because the crime is far bigger and has far greater social consequences.

It does appear as if you and the NY AGs may have joined in a cash for favours arrangement with the Biden White House and Democrat Party to hide the proofs in Greek prosecutor probes against Gates and Soros and the Bidens of the very same kind as the corrupted Greek justice officials, does it not?

It is legitimate to ask if Judge Merchan is a part of this corrupted ring and whether his wife, Lara Merchan, who worked in your office during the time when I sent you the email in May and other emails on this vital matter with the state, government prosecutor proofs against Gates and Soros, implicating Biden and Obama, is a contact person between the NY AGs office and the NY judges and to her husband, who is charged with helping Soros and Gates remove using lawfare a political opponent, who if elected, could put them on trial for their role in the Ebola and covid criminal scheme along wth top Democrats?

In the email I sent you in May 2021, some of the links to the probes no longer work because my then blog, fourthempire blog spot, has been removed as part of a campaign of censorship organized by the White House, whose mega donors the Soros family have a motive to hide the information of their crimes

It turns out I was just one victim of a vast censorship scheme. But in my case I informed you of the crimes against me to undermine informed consent in 2021 and time has shown you did not uphold my right to free speech and the right of Americans to accurate information as my email attached shows.

Mark Zuckerberg has just written to Congress to say he and FB were wrong to censor information about covid and covid jabs on behalf of Biden White House organized by Rob Flaherty, who now serves as Digital Communications Strategist for the Harris/Walz campaign

" There can be no question that the DNC intends to deploy all the same tools, many times over and far more powerful, should they take back the White House.

Therefore, the Zuckerberg admission has much larger implications than anyone has yet admitted.

It provides a first official and confirmed peek into the greatest scandal of our times, the global silencing of critics at all levels of society, resulting in manipulating election outcomes, a distorted public culture, the marginalization of dissent, the overriding of all free speech protections, and gaslighting as a way of life of government in our times."

Finally, I ask Jim Jordan to investigate your failure to investigate Soros and Gates and also to subpoena from your office records concerning your communications and emails related to my emails and the Greek prosecutor probes including the records of Lara Merchan and any of your communications with the White House.

I ask Jim Jordan to consider applying for arrest warrants to a judge for the pretrail detention of George and Alex Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates and also open an investigation into you, Letitia James, and Judge Juan Merchan, to see if you are part of a similar scheme in the USA run by Soros and Gates and the White House which involves corrupting justice to escape trial for crimes and imprison a political opponent of Soros and Gates, specifically Donald Trump, using lawfare

I have emailed Kamala Harris these proofs and she has not responded despite about ten days passing, which is a reasonable period of time for her to have her staff review the proofs.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you for your attention,


Jane Burgermeister,



Failure of Office of NY AG Lara Merchan, to act on Greek state prosecutor proofs against Soros, Gates in May 2021 undermined informed consent to covid jabs

Dear Letitiia James, New York Attorney General,

Copy to Jim Jordan, House Judiciary Committee Chairman via his Chief of Staff,

At a time when Lara Merchan, the wife of Judge Juan Merchan, was working in your office, in May 2021, I, a science reporter who has written for Nature, the British Medical Journal, The Scientist, The Guardian,

sent the New York state attorney generals office an email (attached) outlining proofs in the form of state and government prosecutor probes in Greece capturing Bill and Melinda Gates and the mega donor of the Democtat Party, George and Alex Soros, asthe authors, the brains, the funders of multiple crimes against myself in order to undermine consent by the American public to the special class of experimental vaccines to which Ebola, covid vaccines belong and prevent the exposure of their epidemic disease scheme.

Please see email attached from May 20th, 2021, for example, addressed specifically to you, Letitia James as the NY AG with the press office of the NY AG included in the email.

Please also find an up to date and detailed summary of the state prosecutor proofs in Greece both of the orginal crimes in 2015 as well as of corruption of justice to allow the Democrat mega donors Alex and George Soros to escape trial and even retaliate at the link below..

Please read this document carefully. It relates to state and government official proceedings in Greece and not to a private legal action.

If you have any questions, I am at your service.

Copies of the official government prosecutor proceedings can also be obtained, subpoened from the Greek government.

In my submission to your office in May 2021 about these state proofs, an email which I attach as mentioned, I also emphasized a state, government probe in Greece opened by state Appeals prosecutors, the second highest government prosecutors in Greece, which had the file number E 17 449, and which was opened over censorship crimes sparked by allegations by a Russian journalist based in the Kremlin that Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus and Jared Kushner helped him obtain a visa in 2016 to make a documentary on a plot by Soros and Gates to engineer pandemics for political gain.

It must be stressed that the allegations may not be true. The Russian journalist never mentioned Donald Trump. Steve Bannon, Reince Priebus, an archon of the Greek Orthodox Church, and Jared Kushner were mentioned to me by this reporter, whether the allegations were true or not.

And I must add, I was wrong to assume the allegations were true.

However, it is a true fact that the very lawyer who sought to miuse corrupted justice officials to put me in prison for this post using criminal methods in 2017, precisely because it triggered the probe E 17 449 by the Appeals prosecutor, works for Soros and Gates as a front for their corruption and lawfare as you can see from the summary of the proceedings in Greece available at the link above.

We are dealing with a system, a system of corrupting justice in Greece to weaponize the law againt innocent people carried out by Soros, Gates with the help of the Biden, Obama administration and White House.

My question to you is as NY AG is why did you not investigate this evidence in May 2021 that I sent you that covid was a criminal scheme run by Soros and Gates with the help of Joe Biden and Barack Obama and that the covid jabs were dangerous? Why did you not make inquiries? Why did you not contact the Greek justice authorities? Ask me for clarifications about official, state proceedings if you had questions? You have a staff of special assistants like Lara Merchan to carry out inquiries? Was she tasked with any job related to my email or the probes?

By failing to take action, to do your job and investigate this evidence of a crime, you and your office, in fact, allowed the covid vaccine campaign and even mandates to advance in the USA, knowing all the while that informed consent was being undermined by ordinary sense crimes in Greece by powerful Billionaires who stood to make a fortune from the scheme, and knowing all the while the jabs were more risky and dangerous than claimed by the Biden White House.

As mentioned, you do have a staff as AG, includings special assisant attorney generals like Lara Merchan, paid by tax payers to review and evaluate emails and identify vital crimes threatening the public health. I sent other emails to you on this subject. The one I attach from May 2021 is just one I sent trying to inform you of facts in state prosecutor probes in Greece showing covid was a criminal scheme and who was behind it.

By your failure to act on official state prosecutor probes in Greece, you are also responsible for allowing a false and misleading advertising campaign about covid jabs being safe and effective to proceed repeating the opioid scandal.

In addition, I would like to ask if Lara Merchan, the wife of Juan Merchan, who was working in your office in May 2021 when I sent this particular email attached, was informed of these proofs against Soros and Gates as your special attorney general assistant?

Can you, please, tell me whether any of her activities or duties included looking at these proofs?

If Lara Merchan was informed of these proofs in Greece in May 2021 when she was working at your office according to her LinkedIn profile, which implicate Soros and Gates in massive crimes and corruption in Greece but also Joe Biden and Barack Obama, this would supply a motive for her and for her husband Juan Merchan, would it not?

The motive would be for Gates and Soros, Biden and associates to find a corrupt judge to use the very lawfare and corruption I describe in Greece but this time in the USA. And, in order to remove, imprison and possibly eventually kill in prison a political opponent, namely Donald Trump.

This, as part of a cash for favour arrangement whereby NY AGs manipulate justice to allow Soros and Gates and the Democrat leadership of Joe Biden and also Kamala Harris to evade justice for their covid jab crimes while targetting those who are exposing those crimes for disporportionate penalties.

As you know, Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments of 100,000 USA of his own money to an adult porn star in a trial overseen by Judge Merchan.

How can Judge Merchan, you and the NY AGs claim to be neutral in this matter?

On the one hand, as we can see, you, Letitita James, and members of your office, including Lara Merchan in May 2021, received vital, relevant evidence in the form of state, government prosecutor probes in Greece from a science reporter of a crime involving Billionaires who fund and endorse the Democrat Party, of an attack on free speech, on a reporter and of a crime impacting the health of millions of Americans. You at the NY AG s office have a professional and legal obligation to protect the lives and health of New Yorkers and to act on credible warnings.

Yet, you did nothing with the state, government proceedings and evidence. You started no investigation as far as I can see, made no inquries, launched no prosecutions, remained inactive for three years as the threat to my life grew and as the covid jab harms increase and grow according to government excess death statistics.

Until this day, you have taken no action and so contribute to the threat to my life as a reporter, who still enjoys no protection from the law because of the corruption of justice by Soros and Gates using political tools.

Is that acceptable? Is it acceptable that I an honest science reporter, a graduate of Edinburgh University, should not only fail to get justice in Greece but be sentenced to prison by corrupt judges working for Soros and Gates for exposing their crimes? Please read the Greek proofs.

On the other hand, you and members of the New York judiciary, including Alvin Bragg and Judge Merchan, use lawfare, similar to that described in the Greek probes, to convict for 34 felonies Donald Trump for giving 100,000 USD of his own money to a consenting adult after he announces he is running for president and prepare to sentence him to prison for no real crime the November elections approaches.

Does this show bias, do you think? Does this show a political agenda? Even former Democrat NY Governor Andrew Cuomo said the hush money trial showed a political agenda and bias.

In the email I sent you in May 2021, I even draw your attention to the possible role of Trump and Kushner in the covid criminal scheme run by Gates and Soros. Yet you did not investigate Trump then for a possibly much greater crime, did you? Was it because you knew then that an investigation into these probes in Greece, also E 17 449, would inevitably lead to the conviction of the Democrat mega donor George and Alex Soros as well as Bill and Melinda Gates and also key politicians and staff in the White House as the brains and funders and exonerate Trump, and you did not want to open that can of worms?

Also, which is more important for you to pursue as AG with a duty to not waste tax payer mone? Should you as NY AG prioritize and spend tax payer money on evidence that Gates and Soros with the help of Democrat leaders, Joe Biden, Barack Obama and others have corrupted justice in Greece to silence an honest reporter to undermine informed consent to covid jabs in USA and so make a socially vital contribution to free speech and public health in New York and the USA?

Or should you spend tax payer money convicting a presidential candidate for no clear crime and certainly for no clear crime with similarly dangerous public health consequences on the basis of doubtful claims for 34 felonies and not just one or two minor civil penalties?

An impartial observer will say you should have used tax money to investigate Gates and Soros and the prosecutor probes in Greece and obtained their conviction long ago because the crime is far bigger and has far greater social consequences.

It does appear as if you and the NY AGs may have joined in a cash for favours arrangement with the Biden White House and Democrat Party to hide the proofs in Greek prosecutor probes against Gates and Soros and the Bidens of the very same kind as the corrupted Greek justice officials, does it not?

It is legitimate to ask if Judge Merchan is a part of this corrupted ring and whether his wife, Lara Merchan, who worked in your office during the time when I sent you the email in May and other emails on this vital matter with the state, government prosecutor proofs against Gates and Soros, implicating Biden and Obama, is a contact person between the NY AGs office and the NY judges and to her husband, who is charged with helping Soros and Gates remove using lawfare a political opponent, who if elected, could put them on trial for their role in the Ebola and covid criminal scheme along wth top Democrats?

In the email I sent you in May 2021, some of the links to the probes no longer work because my then blog, fourthempire blog spot, has been removed as part of a campaign of censorship organized by the White House, whose mega donors the Soros family have a motive to hide the information of their crimes.

It turns out I was just one victim of a vast censorship scheme. But in my case I informed you of the crimes against me to undermine informed consent in 2021 and time has shown you did not uphold my right to free speech and the right of Americans to accurate information as my email attached shows.

Mark Zuckerberg has just written to Congress to say he and FB were wrong to censor information about covid and covid jabs on behalf of Biden White House organized by Rob Flaherty, who now serves as Digital Communications Strategist for the Harris/Walz campaign.

" There can be no question that the DNC intends to deploy all the same tools, many times over and far more powerful, should they take back the White House.

Therefore, the Zuckerberg admission has much larger implications than anyone has yet admitted.

It provides a first official and confirmed peek into the greatest scandal of our times, the global silencing of critics at all levels of society, resulting in manipulating election outcomes, a distorted public culture, the marginalization of dissent, the overriding of all free speech protections, and gaslighting as a way of life of government in our times."

Finally, I ask Jim Jordan to investigate your failure to investigate Soros and Gates and also to subpoena from your office records concerning your communications and emails related to my emails and the Greek prosecutor probes including the records of Lara Merchan and any of your communications with the White House.

I ask Jim Jordan to consider applying for arrest warrants to a judge for the pretrail detention of George and Alex Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates and also open an investigation into you, Letitia James, and Judge Juan Merchan, to see if you are part of a similar scheme in the USA run by Soros and Gates and the White House which involves corrupting justice to escape trial for crimes and imprison a political opponent of Soros and Gates, specifically Donald Trump, using lawfare.

I have emailed Kamala Harris these proofs and she has not responded despite about ten days passing, which is a reasonable period of time for her to have her staff review the proofs.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you for your attention,


Jane Burgermeister,



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