Saturday 8 June 2024

94% of Americans and 88% of Europeans want to end the war in Ukraine, polls show as covid jab harm scandal in the West offers huge legal and political opportunity to Russia and China

The US and Europen political elite are on increasingly thin ice as they pursue war in the Ukraine and goals set by the WEF for the Billionaires and corporations

 Polls show the Ukraine war is opposed to the vast majority of voters. When politicians ignore the polls, it is another signal to the voters that what they want does not count, they are not living in democracies but in lawless covid tyrannies where politicians personally organize crimes against a reporter and the corruption of justice to stop the public of knowing about the harms of covid vaccines. 

The overwhelming numbers opposing the Ukraine war in the USA and EU also show the extent to which the WEF governments and media machines have been discredited as propaganda and underline how censorship has backfired.

The unpopularity of the WEF elite open a huge political opportunity for Russia and China to start issuing interpol Red Notices for the arrest of Soros, Gates, Mitsotakis, Von der Leyen, Nehammer, Biden and Cameron on the basis of the Greek prosecutor probes and Austrian probes.

The Red Notices are justified by the immediate threat to my life from verifiably ongoing crimes and lawfare executed via a corrupted Greek justice system (which also justifies Russia and China taking over jurisdiction)

Another version of the proofs against Gates and Soros specifically from April 2022 but with falsified Scribd links is here 

The evidence that Gates and Soros conspired with Scribd to falsify key evidence sent to AGs as Scribd links is here

Evidence is now uploaded on Drop box,including the birdflu666 wordpress backcopies (eugenicsandpandemics)

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Evidence against Ursulra Von der Leyen here

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