Wednesday 12 June 2024

MUSK, MORGAN STANLEY, GATES AND GOOGLE NEXT? House Republicans to question Fauci on his role in censoring vital warnings covid jabs are harmful and part of a criminal scheme

Anthony Fauci, who is in many ways just the right arm of Bill and Melinda Gates, has been invited by a House committee probing his role in the weaponization of the covid virus and bioweapon jabs to testify on his role in censorship. 

Fauci was given the highest media visibility during covid  by the Gates and Soros funded media to promote lies and censorship during covid.

The American and Western public are victims of a massive coordinated censorship campaign involving Gates, Soros, big tech (Google, FB, X) and governments serving the criminal purposes of Billionaires.

 The most well documented actions of criminal censorshorship by Gates and Soros are in prosecutor probes in Greece, which have now ensnared Nat Rothschild and Elon Musk and X along with Google and other social media companies.

Americans don t need the big tech social media companies.

They can put Musk, Schmidt, Zuckerberg, Thiel and Bezos in prison today and break up the Silicon Valley monopolies and cartels with no loss to their real world economy. Far from it, the end of Silicon Valley as well as the private Fed may be vital to resurrect the US as a free and thriving democracy and economy.

For that, Americans need free speech, accurate information and an end to the criminal organizations censoring honest reporters.

They can also obtain trillions in fines from the Silicon Valley Billionaires as they send them off to prison for their role in the covid jab censorship crimes along with Morgan Stanley execs.

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