Sunday 9 June 2024

Huge vote against Nea Dimokratia and pro war parties expected in Greece and Europe as public prepares for election theft

 As Greeks vote in the European elections, one thing is clear.

The support for Nea Dimokratia is minimal in the real world, also in places likeLarisa and Thessaly where even the arch conservative agricultural community switched its vote to Syriza during provincial elections. 

Polls published by NYT linked Ekathimerini showing ND with a 15 % lead of Syriza are fantastical and incredible and likely designed to pave the way for the public to accept a possible theft of their votes.

They won t in 2024.

There is minimal support for Mitsotakis party and his pro Ukraine, pro conscription stance in Greece, and maximum condemnation of his record of economic disaster, inflation,taxes as well as, of course, covid tyranny, lockdowns and jab harms and corruption.

Opposition to WEF elite governments throughout Europe and their disastrous record in office and plans for conscription and WW3, a nuclear confrontation with Russia which Europe will lose, should see them and the conservative parties especially voted out of office if there are fair elections.

If these  war and WEF parties get in, which have caused massive harms to Europeans through their policies, and committed verifiable crimes with their covid jabs, the European public will  rightly wonder whether the election was rigged given all the election rigging scandals.

A reasonably large turn out is to be expected because of the amount of fury with ND which will fuel support for opposition and smaller parties especially and because every vote they cast makes it harder for the WEF elite to steal the election.

The  public has also wised up to fake alt right parties of Meloni and Le Pen who promise to do one thing when they run for election and to the opposite in office, de facto supporting all the WEF policies.

It will be an interesting to see the election result.

The WEF elite have to be able to offer the public a plausible election result, but they also want to claim a fantastical degree of support for continuing policies which harm the voters.

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