Sunday 30 June 2024

Will Buffett family escape prosecution when they have given 57 B to the Gates Foundation and continued to give it long after the covid jab harms and crimes were known?

Will the Buffett family find they end up like the Sackler in the cross hairs of lawsuits over the covid jab scheme they helped fund? 

Crucially, Warren Buffett keeps giving billions to Gates to enable their crime spree and cover up to continue in 2024. 

Simply withdrawing from the board in 2021 as Warren Buffett did is not enough. The money had to stop, The fact billions as continued to flow from Buffett family to the Gates Foundaiton makes the Buffett family complicit and liable for the crimes the Gates family verifiably committed also against a reporter in Greece.

Buffett had and has an obligation to know about those crimes and stop them. He did not.

From Zerohedge

In his June 28 statement, Mr. Buffett announced that he had donated $5.3 billion of Berkshire Hathaway stock to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and four family charities.

The $5.3 billion was his biggest annual donation to date, bringing his total giving to the charities to roughly $57 billion.

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