Friday 28 June 2024

Reform investigates whether activist making racist remarks was an actor set up to smear them as Labour and Greens vote tactically in a bid to oust Jeremy Hunt

Jeremy Hunt has donated some of his ill gotten gains to his own party in an attempt to keep his seat as Labour and Green voters plan to vote tactically to hand victory to the local Liberal Democrat party. 

As Chair of the Health Committee,Hunt played a key role in ensuring the government and NHS could destroy whistleblowers raising concerns about patient safety without scrutiny or consequences.

The  reign of terror against whistleblower s,sanctioned and enabled by Hunt, created an environment where the covid jabs could be given to Brits using false claims causing 100s of thousands of Excess Deaths.

Meanwhile, the Tories and WEF establishment are under suspicion of using an actor to smear Reform as racist.

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