Thursday 27 June 2024

Kg Charles captured in aggressive exchange with the Japanese Emperor as WEF elite implode due to poor decisions

Charles, the charming, captured telling the Japanese Emperor "No" in  a hostile exchange with the Emperor apparantly displaying eagerness to step into a waiting limousine and get away.

It seems Charles may think of himself as a self appointed Messaniac figure who brooks no disagreement, barely manages to be be polite in public and restrain his bullying tendencies even with his peers in my humble opinion.

Video is worth watching when we consider the remark of Ukraine s Foreign Minister Kuleba that there must be something wrong with the West,it is so inefficent, so out of touch, so inept.

"In two years of the war, Russia has become more efficient in producing weapons than the whole Western alliance. It’s a bad sign. Things must change..."

Especially the end part when the uneasy,fearful thought appears to flash through his mind that he will pay a dear price for his  display of "charm".

Why don t Charles and Camilla get some pyschological support, some counselling to help them in these stressful times?

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