Friday 28 June 2024

Russia has struck Ukraine airbases set to host F 16s making them potentially unusable

The Russian army has launched a barrage of missiles and drones against Ukrainian airbases being prepared to host F 16 fighters. 

F 16s require a runway of about a mile which is, moreover, immaculately kept to avoid debris being sucked into their engines to take off and land.

Runways of that size, or preparations to create them, can easily be spotted using satellites and drones and targetted for destruction.

Every time the Ukraine, NATO forces repair the runways, Russian forces can potentially strike again and destroy them.

There is even the potential for destroying F 16s on the ground when and if they are unable to take off due to runway damage.

If NATO operates F 16s out of Poland and Romania is will make those air fields a target with a significant number of the European citizens and voters cheering Russia on as they grapple with a lawless covid criminals in office, with proofs against the WEF elite so strong that they create a legal impediment to government conscription plans.

Russia has warned it may use tactical nuclear hypersonic missiles to destroy Europe also by destroying the dams in the Netherlands to flood key waterways and transport routes in central Europe.

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